SQL*Loader (sqlldr ) is the utility to use for high performance data loads. The data can be loaded from any text file and inserted into the database.
The Control File The SQL*Loader control file contains information that describes how the data will be loaded. It contains the table name, column datatypes, field delimiters, etc. Ex : LOAD DATA INFILE 'DATA.DAT' BADFILE 'BADFILES.LOG' APPEND INTO TABLE SIEBEL.EIM_ADDR_PER FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' TRAILING NULLCOLS ( ROW_ID, IF_ROW_STAT CONSTANT "FOR_UPDATE", IF_ROW_BATCH_NUM CONSTANT "200", AP_ADDR_NAME, AP_ZIPCODE )
The Log File The log file contains information about the SQL*loader execution. It should be viewed after each SQL*Loader job is complete. Especially interesting is the summary information at the bottom of the log, including CPU time and elapsed time. The data below is a sample of the contents of the log file
BAD FILE & DISCARD FILE bad – A file that is created when at least one record from the input file is rejected. The rejected data records are placed in this file. A record could be rejected for many reasons, including a non-unique key or a required column being null. discard – The name of the file that contains the discarded rows. Discarded rows are those that fail the WHEN clause condition when selectively loading records.