Writing Goal Project Due: Monday June 9
Quick Review You have : A goal Research on your genre which includes responses on examples of published work and rules/conventions of your genre Shared your ideas with your peers Many of you have already started writing your piece.
The Writing Your writing should be supported by the research, reading, and sharing that you have done. Remember that you have decided to focus on really developing one aspect of your writing (you wrote about this in your journal entry). Also, remember that your novel, story, ballad, epic poem, etc… doesn’t necessarily need to be finished (but it does have to be polished) – –3+ pages of your own writing in the genre of your choice – –Typed, double space, 12 pt font
Evaluation I want to see that you have been working on developing whatever aspect of your writing that you chose to focus on. I will be looking for how well you applied your learning to make informed choices of language and technique to enhance this aspect of your writing.
Evaluation Overall, I will be looking for a piece of writing that is: – – coherent (it makes sense) – –engaging (holds the reader’s attention) – –suits the intended audience and purpose
Evaluation Even if your piece is incomplete, the writing you pass in for evaluation should be polished (edited and revised) A sample of your best work Control of conventions such as spelling, grammar, sentence structure, formatting, and punctuation.
Reflection Purpose: look critically at your writing Topic: You are being asked to reflect on your particular goal, the process that you followed to reach that goal, and how effective you feel you were in the end. – –You may be reflecting on a part of your writing that you are especially proud of that you feel is very effective. – –Or, you may be reflecting on a part of your writing that you are not as happy with but are not sure how to improve it.
Reflection Supporting Your Claims: Quotes from your own writing, and possibly from your research and/or the published texts that you read. I am expecting a 2+ pages typed, double- spaced reflection.
Evaluation Honest reflection Demonstrates an ability to monitor your learning Demonstrates an ability to assess which strategies are effective and ineffective for you
Evaluation Your reflection should demonstrate your ability to look critically at your own writing I want to see that you can identify your accomplishments and things you are still working on improving.
Evaluation Your reflection should be well-written and coherent. I should be able to follow your thought process easily. You should be using effective support (quotes) to support your claims.
Due: Monday June 9th Hand In All Research Journal Writing Piece Reflection Rubrics