ACKNOWLEDGEMENT dr shabeel pn We express our deep and sincere gratitude to whom who has been our inspiration for this presentation.
DEFINITION Border molding is the shaping of an impression material by the manipulation or action of tissues adjacent to the borders of an impression tray
OBJECTIVE To determine the contour, height and width of the borders of the complete denture
ANATOMICAL LANDMARKS Limiting structures:- Labial frenum Labial vestibule Buccal frenum Buccal vestibule Vibrating line
CUSTOM TRAY FABRICATION Preliminary impression is taken using stock trays Primary cast is obtained with this impression Wax spacer used, if required Custom tray is fabricated (stepped handle for maxillary arch)
ORBICULARIS ORIS – Oral Sphincter ORIGIN Medial maxilla and mandible Deep surface of perioral skin Angle of mouth (modiolus) INSERTION Mucous membrane of lip ACTION Contraction of the muscle protrudes lip or resists distension
BUCCINATOR - Cheek muscle ORIGIN Alveolar process of maxilla and mandible Pterygomandibular raphae INSERTION Angle of mouth (Modiolus) Orbicularis oris ACTION Presses cheek against molar teeth with tongue Helps to keep food material between occlusal surface and out of the oral vestibule Resists distension (while blowing)
LEVATOR ANGULI ORIS ORIGIN Infraorbital maxilla (Canine Fossa) INSERTION Angle of mouth (Modiolus) ACTION Dilator of mouth Elevate labial commissure - Bilaterally while smiling Unilaterally while sneering
TENSOR VELI PALATINI SUPERIOR ATACHMENT Scaphoid fossa of medial pterygoid plate Spine of sphenoid bone Cartilage of pharyngo tympanic tube INFERIOR ATACHMENT Palatine aponeurosis ACTION Tenses soft palate Opens mouth of pharyngotympanic tube during swallowing and yarning
LEVATOR VELI PALATINI SUPERIOR ATTACHMENT Cartilage of pharyngotympanic tube Petrous temporal bone INFERIOR ATTACHMENT Palatine aponeurosis ACTION Elevates soft palate during swallowing and yarning
PALATOGLOSSUS SUPERIOR ATTACHMENT Palatine aponeurosis INFERIOR ATTACHMENT Side of tongue ACTION Elevates posterior part of tongue and draws soft palate into tongue
PALATOPHARYNGEUS SUPERIOR ATTACHMENT Hard palate and palatine aponeurosis INFERIOR ATTACHMENT Lateral wall of pharynx ACTION Tenses soft palate and pulls walls of pharynx superiorly, anteriorly and medially during swallowing
MUSCULUS UVULAE SUPERIOR ATTACHMENT Posterior nasal spine and palatine aponeurosis INFERIOR ATTACHMENT Mucosa of uvula ACTION Shortens uvula and pulls it superiorly
LABIAL FRENUM It is a fold of mucous membrane at the median line. It starts superiorly in a fan shape and converges as it descends to its terminal attachment on the labial side of the ridge. It contains no muscles and has no action of its own.
LABIAL NOTCH SIGNIFICANCE Corresponding area of labial frenum on the final impression SIGNIFICANCE The labial notch of the labial flange of denture must be wide and deep enough to allow the frenum through it without manipulation of the lip.
BUCCDAL FRENUM RELATION WITH FACIAL MUSCLES SIGNIFICANCE It forms the dividing line between labial vestibule and buccal vestibule It is formed by mucous membrane Can be a single fold, double fold and even fan shaped RELATION WITH FACIAL MUSCLES Levator Anguli Oris muscle attaches beneath the frenum Orbicularis oris pulls the frenum forward Buccinator pulls the frenum backward SIGNIFICANCE It requires more clearance in the denture base for its movements than the labial frenum
BUCCAL NOTCH SIGNIFICANCE It is the impression made by the buccal frenum on the impression It should be wide and deep enough to permit the movements of the buccal frenum SIGNIFICANCE While making impression, lips should be moved forward and backward by the dentist to allow the free movement of the buccal frenum in the buccal notch
LABIAL VESTIBULE RELATION WTH FACIAL MUSCLES Labial vestibule is divided into left and right labial vestibule by the labial frenum Mucosa is thin and NONKERATINIZED Submucosa is thick and contains large amount of areolar tissue and elastic fibers Lamina propria is elastic in nature RELATION WTH FACIAL MUSCLES Orbicularis oris is the main muscle which forms the outer surface of the labial vestibule The fibers of this muscle runs horizontally through the lips to anastamose with the muscles of the Buccinator
BUCCAL VESTIBULE It is the space distal to the buccal frenum till the hamular notch It is bound externally by the cheek and internally by the residual ridge Mucous membrane covering is similar to labial vestibule The size of the vestibule varies with contraction of the Buccinator M. position of the mandible amount of bone lost by resorption from the maxilla
HAMULAR NOTCH Region between the tuberosity of the maxilla and the hamulus of the medial pterygoid plate SIGNIFICANCE Posterior palatal seal is placed through the centre of the deepest part of hamular notch Forms the posterior boundary for the denture base If the posterior border extend further in this region, the denture base will compress the pterygoid hamulus and obstruct the action of the pterygomandibular raphae
VIBRATING LINE It is the imaginary line drawn across the palate that marks the beginning of motion of the soft palate when patient is asked to exhale through his/her nose with the nostrils closed Extends from one hamular notch to the other Lies distal to the junction of the hard and soft palate – lies always on the soft palate At the midline, it passes about 2mm in front of the FOVEA PALATINAE (indentations near the midline of the palate formed by a coalescence of several mucous gland ducts) It is not a well defined line – but an area Submucosa in this region contains glandular tissue
SIGNIFICANCE It is an ideal guide for locating the posterior palatal seat area (the distal palatal termination of the denture) during BORDER MOLDING The distal end of the maxillary denture should extend at least to the vibrating line (in most cases 1 to 2 mm posterior to the vibrating line)
FINAL IMPRESSION After the primary impression is taken and a cast made from it, the procedure for final impression begins A carefully made special tray is trimmed at the corners and border molding is done followed by a wash impression and pouring in the cast completes the procedure. In a nutshell, final impression involves special tray preparation and wash impression
MATERIALS Metallic Oxide Impression Paste (Ex. ZOE Impression Paste) Elastomeric Impression Materials
ZINC OXIDE EUGENOL IMPRESSION PASTE INDICATIONS These pastes are rigid when set and can be used only when there is no bony undercuts Used in a close fitting tray and so the overall bulk of impression is kept to a minimum. This is useful where the denture bearing area is reduced due to bone resorption CONTRAINDICATIONS Not used in patients with dry mouths because the paste tends to adhere to the oral mucous membrane When the patient is intolerant to Eugenol as it can cause a burning sensation in some individuals
ELASTOMERIC IMPRESSION MATERIALS These materials are used in spaced custom trays to avoid displacement the border tissues A less viscous consistency/body of the irreversible hydrocolloid is used for making final impression compared with that used for preliminary impression.
CUSTOM TRAY FABRICATION DEFINITION A special tray is defined as a custom made device prepared for a particular patient which is used top carry, confine and control an impression material while making an impression. FUNCTION To provide better retention of denture To take secondary or wash impression
IDEAL REQUIREMENTS Should be rigid, well adapted and dimensionally stable on primary cast Should be easy to manipulate and remove Should not flow or warp Should not react with impression material Should be free of voids or projections Should be at least 2 mm thick in the palatal area for adequate rigidity Should be smooth lest it injures the soft tissue inside the mouth Should be trimmable with bur
Should be simple, taking minimum amount of time and should be prepared at a reasonable cost Should have 2 mm relief near the sulcus so that the green stick compound can be used to do border molding Should retain its shape while loading of impression Should have contrasting colour to make its margins prominent when placed in mouth
CONDITIONING THE PRIMARY CAST Primary impression has overextended borders therefore special tray should be 2 to 4 mm short of the sulcus A line is drawn across the posterior border connecting the 2 hamular notches (this line is parallel to fovea palatinus) A line is drawn outlining the muco-buccal fold above the frenum attachments All trays should be checked of displacement in the mouth
ADAPTING THE WAX SPACER Base plate wax, 1 mm thick approximately is placed on the cast within the outline border to provide space in the tray for the final impression material Spacer should be cut out in 2 to 4 places so that the special tray touches the ridge in these areas. This is done to stabilize the tray during impression making. The posterior palatal seal area on the cast is not covered with the wax spacer therefore the completed custom tray will contact the mucous membrane across the posterior palatal border
APPLICATION OF SEPARATING MEDIUM To prevent special tray from binding to the cast FABRICATION OF CUSTOM TRAY HANDLE The custom tray should be 2 to 3 mm thick, with a stepped handle in the anterior region of the tray to facilitate removal from the mouth The step should be of sufficient height to avoid distortion of the upper lip when the tray is in the mouth
IDEAL REQUIREMENTS OF MATERIALS USED FOR BORDER MOLDING It should have a sufficient body to allow to remain positioned on the borders during loading of the tray Allow some pre shaping of the form of the borders without adhering to the finger Have a setting time of 3 to 5 minutes Retain adequate flow while tray is seated in the mouth Allow finger placement of the material into the deficient parts after tray is seated Should not cause excessive displacement of the vestibule Readily trimmed and shaped so excess material can be removed and borders are shaped before final impression is made
GREEN STICK IMPRESSION COMPOUND Rigid impression Material MANIPULATION On heating above fusion temperature over a flame, the material becomes ready for border molding Over heating is avoided as it can volatilize the plasticizer Tempering is done using a water bath which reduces the temperature to tolerable limits The compound becomes rigid at oral temperature
POLYETHER ELASTOMERIC IMPRESSION MATERIAL Introduced in Germany in late 1960 It is a polyether based polymer
Available in 3 viscosities – MODE OF SUPPLY Base and catalyst in paste form Available in 3 viscosities – Light body Medium body Heavy body
COMPOSITION BASE PASTE ACCELERATOR PASTE Alkyl aromatic sulphonate Polyether polymer Colloidal silica (filler) Glycoether/Phthalate (plasticizer) ACCELERATOR PASTE Alkyl aromatic sulphonate (cross linking agent) Colloidal silica (filler) Glycoether/Pthalate (plasticizer)
SETTING REACTION It is cured by a polymerization reaction between Aziridine rings at the end of the branched polyether molecule The main chain is a copolymer of ethylene oxide and THF Cross linking is by initiator called aromatic sulphonate ester with alkyl group The reaction is exothermic
PROPERTIES Working time – 3 minutes Setting time – 6 minutes No byproduct is formed during reaction Shelf life – more than 2 years
BRAND NAMES Impregum F Permadyne Polyjel
PROCEDURE FOR BORDER MOLDING This is a stepwise procedure which ensures an optimal peripheral seal Firstly, special tray is checked in the patient's mouth for its adaptability, extension and checked for irregularities if any that may hurt soft tissue while taking impression
Posterior palatal border - tray should include both hamular notch and extend 2 mm posterior to the vibrating line Vibrating line can be demonstrated by When patient says "ah" When patient's nostril closed and asked to exhale through nose during which soft palate will flex at junction
Posterior border of tray marked with a marker, tray then place in mouth and patient asked to say "ah" Tray removed and mark is transferred into the mouth which is compared with vibrating line and hamular notch
STEPS IN BORDER MOLDING Procedure in which portions of the periphery of the tray are refined individually Greenstick compound is softened over flame and added along the labial vestibule initially Material is tempered before placing intra-orally Tray introduced into mouth with lip first elevated, then extended outward, downward and inward
Massage the upper lip in lateral motion Patient instructed to pucker
Material is then softened and then placed over buccal vestibule and tempered Tray is seated in oral cavity stabilizing with finger At the buccal frenum, cheek is elevated, pulled outward, downward, inward and moved backward and forward to simulate movement of frenum Posteriorly, buccal flange border molded by extending cheek outward, downward and inward followed by wide opening of mouth and side to side movement of mandible
Patient asked to pucker for activation of Buccinator Greenstick is flamed, traced along border from buccal to hamular notch area across midline to corresponding area on opposite side Next the posterior palatal area is recorded to complete an effective peripheral seal during which patient is asked to say "ah"
After border molding, molded section is immersed in cold water Evaluate the retention and stability of the border molded tray
BORDER MOLDING USING POLYETHER IMPRESSION MATERIAL Placement of adhesive on the border of the tray Cutting away the wax spacer from the border to allow space for the impression material. Placement of polyether material along the borders Composition is in such a way that sufficient working time is to be provided Material is pre shaped to proper contours
Placement of tray in the mouth Lips retracted to avoid scraping of material from the borders If insufficient material is present, transferring of excess material from the adjacent site
BORDER MOLDING IN THE ANTERIOR REGION Lip elevated and extended out, downward and inward IN THE BUCCAL FRENUM Cheek is elevated and pulled outward, downward and inward and move backward and forward to stimulate the movement of frenum
POSTERIORLY - Buccal flange is border molded by extending the cheek outward, downward and inward Patient asked to open wide and move mandible side to side When impression material is set tray removed from the mouth Contour should be rounded and over extensions are readily detected as the tray will protrude through the polyether material
GREEN STICK COMPOIND ADVANTAGES Corrections can be made Less expensive Less technique sensitive No imbibition and synerisis DISADVANTAGES Poor surface detail Time consuming procedure More number of tray insertions Discomfort to the patient
POLYETHER ELASTOMERIC IMPRESSION MATERIAL ADVANTAGES Fast setting Good stability Can delay pouring No need for heating the material Procedure is completed in one step No byproducts are formed during setting Shelf life of 2 years
DISADVANTAGE Bitter taste Stiff – high modulus of elasticity Absorbs water Leaches components Corrections cannot be made Expensive
FINAL PROCEDURES After border molding, the tray should be prepared before making the secondary impression Space should be created for final impression material If necessary, the thickness of the border should be adjusted Material that extend into the undercut is reduced Finally, a small amount of material is removed from those parts of the border that have not already been adjusted
Approximately 0.5 mm is removed from the inner, outer and top surface of the border Stick impression compound is adjusted with a scalpel polyether adjusted with a scalpel or a bur The material over the posterior area is not adjusted Finally, holes can be placed in the palate of the impression tray with a medium sized round bur Then the adhesive material is applied
The objective is to avoid recording denture bearing tissues in a displaced or distorted position A number of materials are available for making the final impression and it includes metallic oxide impression paste, polyether and silicone impression materials and irreversible hydrocolloids.