Head and Neck Muscles Lance Lewis and Mark Rocha
Frontalis The origin is the Cranial Aponeurosis The insertion is the skin of the eyebrows The primary action is the rising of eyebrows
Orbicularis Oculi The origin is the frontal bone and the maxilla The insertion is the tissue around the eyes The primary action is giving the ability to blink and close the eyes
Orbicularis Oris The origin is the mandible and the maxilla The insertion is the skin and muscle around the mouth The primary action is closing and protrudes the lips
Temporalis The origin is the temporal bone The insertion mandible Its primary action is to close the jaw
Zygomaticus The origin is the zygomatic bone The insertion is the skin and muscle at the corner at the lips The primary action is to raise the corner of the mouth
Masseter The origin is the temporal bone The insertion is the mandible The primary action is to closes the jaw
Buccinator The origin is the maxilla and the mandible near the molars The insertion is the orbicularis oris The primary action is to compress the cheeks and hold food between the teeth when chewing
Sternocleidomastoid The origin is the sternum and the clavicle The insertion is the temporal bone The primary action is to flex the neck and to rotate the head
Platysma The origin is the connective tissue covering of the superior chest muscles The insertion is the tissue around the mouth The primary action is to pull the corners of the mouth inferiorly