Lesson Nine: Miscellaneous Items
Shooting in Both Directions Used when you want your character to shoot things in multiple directions. You need to have your character and your projectile. – Go to Event Editor – Create New Condition – Right click on Keyboard icon The Keyboard Upon Pressing a Key – Press any key you want to use for shooting the projectile. Hit ok. – Right click on the condition “Upon Pressing …..” Insert. A new condition box opens. Right click on your character Direction Compare Direction of “Player”. – In the new window, you will see a circle made up of squares. Click on the square where the number 0 is. Hit OK. – Right click underneath your character Launch and Object. A new window will appear. Click on your projectile and hit ok. A new window will appear. Click on Launch in Selected Directions. – In the new window, you will see a circle made up of squares. Uncheck all the arrows, and click the square next to the number 0. Hit OK. Hit OK again.
Shooting in Both Directions – Click on the number next to your condition. Copy the condition by using Ctrl C. – Paste the condition using Ctrl V. You will now have two identical conditions. – Right click on the words “The Player is facing direction …..” Edit. – The window with the circle of squares will appear. Uncheck the arrow facing the number 0, and click on the box facing number 16. Hit OK. – Right click under you player Edit. A new window appears. Click on the Launch in Selected Directions. – The window with the circle of squares will appear. Uncheck the arrow facing the number 0, and click on the box facing number 16. Hit OK. Hit OK again. – Save your game.
Using A Timer You use a timer when you want to repeat something over a period of time. Some examples: a sound effect, bullets that fly at you, etc… This is used in conjunction with an activity. To Set up the timer: – Go to Event Editor – Create a New Condition. Right click on the Timer Icon Every. A new window will appear. – Input the number of time you want your game to wait for something (i.e. 3 sec, 1 min, etc..). Hit OK.
Creating Objects Within the Game You use this when you want something to appear that doesn’t exist at the beginning of the level. Some examples: a bomb, bullets, health pack, enemies, etc… Timers and Collisions are often used with this. You need to have your active object already created. To Create Object Within the Game: – Go to Event Editor – Select an existing condition (such as a collision or a timer condition). Right click on the Cube Icon Create Object. A new window will appear. – Select the object you wish to create. Hit OK. A new window will appear (the select position view). – Select the position by clicking on the screen and dragging the checkered box to where you want the object to appear. Hit OK.
Sound Effects You use this on any condition you wish to have sound. Some examples: a collision with a bomb, shooting an object, killing an enemy, going through a portal, etc… Please note that MMF2 does not support a wide variety of music formats. For sound effects, it works best with.wav files. To Use Sound Effects: – Go to Event Editor – Select an existing condition. Right click on the Speaker Icon Samples Play Sample. A new window will appear. – Select Browse From a File. Warning: DO NOT SELECT BROWSE FROM ANOTHER APPLICATION. Select the appropriate sound effect for your condition. Hit Open. – Save your game.
Background Music You use this to give your game some mood and emotion. Please note that MMF2 does not support a wide variety of music formats. For music, it works best with.midi files. To Use Background Music: – Go to Event Editor – Create a New Condition. Right click on the Chess Icon Start of Frame. – Right Click on the Speaker Icon Music Play Music. A new window will appears. – Select Browse From a File. Warning: DO NOT SELECT BROWSE FROM ANOTHER APPLICATION. Select the appropriate music for your level. Hit Open. – Save your game.
Making an Executable of Your Game You make executables of your game, so that others can play it without having Multimedia Fusion 2. To create your executable of your game: – SAVE YOUR GAME! – From the Top Menu, go to File Build All. A new window will appear. – Choose the location where you want to save your game to. Type in a name, and hit Save. – (This may take a few minutes to save.) Once the executable has been created, you will notice that your game icon over in your workspace toolbar will be replaced by a red circle with a lightning bolt inside. CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR FIRST GAME!
Exercise Open Your Application. Select Your Level. Create a Timer Condition. Create Sound Effects. Put Background Music to Your Level. Create a Condition to Create New Objects. Save Your Game. Build Your Game.