Alaska Region National Weather Service Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP)
Opportunities Systems Integration Branch (Anchorage) Weather Forecast Office (Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau) Aviation Weather Unit (Anchorage) River Forecast Center (Anchorage) Positions are paid up to 120 days. You also get 3 credits for this internship. Talk about a nice bonus! And they really really love Penn Staters!!
A Snippet Of My Summer -Worked at Systems Integration Branch doing GIS work, created a new warning map for webpage -Led bi-weekly weather discussions with coworkers -Worked at the Weather Forecast Office for a week, forecasted and worked at the public desk -launched weather balloons at the WFO, got upper-air certification -did weather station maintenance at remote COOP stations. (By car, boat, and airplane!) -All this and more, and still thoroughly able to enjoy the great land of Alaska in the evenings and on weekends!
Get Some Northern Exposure! (and great experience too) Application process begins February 10 th ! Any questions, me at