Better Training for Safer Food Initiative Controls on POAO consignments destined in US military bases in EU Simon Rowell
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Consignments from third countries destined to warehouses of US bases on the Union/EEA territory are treated as transit consignments with US base acting as the exit BIP Transit health certificate required In the certificate the specific US base of destination will be indicated in box I.5 (consignee) In the CVED, the specific US base of destination should be indicated in box 8 as delivery address and box 18 as EU exit BIP Special transit Consignments for US military bases:
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency The US bases will notify their arrival of those consignments via TRACES as “exit BIP” See Chapter 8 of the Transit and Transhipment guidance _transhipment.pdf _transhipment.pdf A technical guideline is published in the TRACES Toolkit Special transit Consignments for US military bases:
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Traceability of all US consignments destined to US/NATO bases in EU Delivery names and addresses in box 5 of the health certificate must match with one listed in Annex II to the Guidance Delivery names and addresses in box 8 of the CVED must match with the one in Annex II to the Guidance Exit BIP in box 18 must match with the exit BIP ID of the relevant US base listed in Annex II to the Guidance
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency US transit health certificate
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency CVED part 1
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Annex II to transit and transhipment guidance
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Confirmation of arrival – Control tab US military base sends the confirmation of arrival of the non-conforming consignment to entry BIP via TRACES control tab – within 30 days
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Customs warehouses approved under Art. 12 of Directive 97/78/EC used for US consignments Currently three in the EU (BG, DE, IT) To make sure US consignments are under supervision of the official staff and they are able to issue daughter CVEDs Destination of US consignments possible to ships for their supply, to a third country through an exit BIP or to a NATO/US-base designated as exit point in TRACES and listed in Annex II of the Guidance
Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Consumers, Health And Food Executive Agency Better Training for Safer Food BTSF JVL Consulting s.a. Rue Matagne 15 B-5020 Vedrin Belgium AESA Consortium Website: European Commission Consumers, Health and Food Executive Agency DRB A3/042 L-2920 Luxembourg THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION