This presentation includes modifications compared to the version presented at the workshop. Text boxes were added clarifying that the retrieval results, which were by mistake related to the EUMETSAT IASI v5 processor, are actually results from an intermediate version of the processor which was still in a development phase and not officially released. If you have further questions, please contact or
The inter-comparison of IASI water vapour retrieval schemes Martin Stengel, Marc Schröder, Nadine Schneider, Theo Steenbergen, Marc Schwärz, Katie Lean, Roger Saunders, Adrian Doicu
Outline Background IASI assessment in GlobVapour Retrieval systems Comparison approach First results Outlook
Outline Background IASI assessment in GlobVapour Retrieval systems Comparison approach First results Outlook
Background Previous studies and investigations have shown the benefit of Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) measurements for atmospheric analysis in one- and multi-dimensional analysis schemes. Beside IASI’s application in e.g. NWP frameworks, growing long-term records of its measurements suggest the utilization of IASI retrieval products of atmospheric parameters for climate monitoring and subsequently for e.g. evaluation of climate models (i.e. hintcast simulations) The (inter-) comparisons of IASI retrieval schemes has only been tackled by a few studies so far (e.g. Hilton et al., 2009)
Background As a substantial part of the ESA DUE GlobVapour project, DWD and project partners are conducting a comprehensive IASI retrieval inter- comparison study. The focus of this assessment is directed towards the identification of an optimal algorithm scheme for climate monitoring of atmospheric water vapour. Comparison criteria include the retrieval quality and application limitations, but also the performance and applicability in re-processing frameworks. The study will include several IASI retrieval algorithms provided by the project partners (DLR, UK Met-Office, DWD) and additionally participating groups (EUMETSAT, NOAA).
Background Hilton et al. (2009): An investigation into the performance of retrievals of temperature and humidity from IASI: Nine different physically based retrieval schemes were applied to 25 clear sky cases IASI footprints over the Gulf of Mexico, which were characterized by near-coincident dropsonde observations taken during the Joint Airborne IASI Validation Experiment (JAIVEx) campaign of April-May 2007 On focus of this study: Can fine vertical structure and sharp gradients be seen in the retrievals even though if they are not present in the a priori profile information used by the retrieval system.
Background Case study of dry layer at approx. 720 hPa: (from Hilton et al., 2009)
Background Case study of dry layer at approx. 720 hPa: (from Hilton et al., 2009)
Background Assessing the impact of type of background information (from Hilton et al., 2009)
Background Assessing the impact of type of background information (from Hilton et al., 2009)
Outline Background IASI assessment in GlobVapour Retrieval systems Comparison approach First results Outlook
IASI assessment in GlobVapour The focus of this assessment is directed towards the identification of an optimal algorithm scheme for monitoring of atmospheric water vapour. It was planned to include the ‘winner’-algorithm in a joint-retrieval processor (together with SEVIRI LCWV) to produce a superior water vapour dataset for three tropospheric layers, benefiting from the high quality, vertically-resolved IASI retrievals and the high temporal resolution of SEVIRI retrievals (Nowcasting SAF retrieval system) Goals: Determination of absolute accuracy of each participating retrieval by comparison with ground-based reference measurements Analysis of the deviations among the retrieval systems and their strengths and weaknesses with respect to a long-term analysis of the water vapour in a reprocessing framework
IASI assessment in GlobVapour Participating groups DWD (1D-Var) UK Met Office (1D-Var) DLR - German Aerospace Center NOAA EUMETSAT (v4, v5) Data production The IASI retrieval algorithms will be run at each of the participating institutions. Provision of retrieved profiles of temperature and specific humidity to DWD (including additional information, e.g. vertical grid, latitude, longitude, quality flags and time stamps, …) All this information will be inferred for 121 footprints in a 11-by-11 footprints box, which is centered at the corresponding reference sites. Please note, the EUMETSAT v5 results are not from the official version 5 of the EUMETSAT IASI processor, but from an intermediate test processor
IASI assessment in GlobVapour Reference sites & data (3 ARM, 2 GUAN sites) Lindenberg, Sodankyla, Barrow, Lamont, Nauru Six months considered (July, August 2007, and January, June, August, December 2008) TCWV (ground-based MWR), WV profiles (radiosondes)
IASI assessment in GlobVapour Data availability Jul 2007Aug 2007Jan 2008Jun 2008Aug 2008Dec 2008 SiteLiSBLN SBLN SBLN SBLN SBLN SBLN UKMOyyyyyyyyyy-----yyyyy-----yyyyy NOAA EUMETSAT v yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy EUMETSAT v yyyyy----- DLRy----y DWDyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Please note, the EUMETSAT v5 results are not from the official version 5 of the EUMETSAT IASI processor, but from an intermediate test processor
IASI assessment in GlobVapour Data availability Jul 2007Aug 2007Jan 2008Jun 2008Aug 2008Dec 2008 SiteLiSBLN SBLN SBLN SBLN SBLN SBLN UKMOyyyyyyyyyy-----yyyyy-----yyyyy NOAA EUMETSAT v yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy EUMETSAT v yyyyy----- DLRy----y DWDyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 1 23 Please note, the EUMETSAT v5 results are not from the official version 5 of the EUMETSAT IASI processor, but from an intermediate test processor
IASI assessment in GlobVapour Selection criteria: Select closest clear-sky-retrieval pixel (with respect to the reference site) from each retrieval Select case if MWR ‘says’ clear-sky ( threshold) All selected pixels from all retrievals have to match site’s location within 0.75° distance and temporally match the ground radiosonde measurement within ± 3 hours
IASI assessment in GlobVapour Case 1: June 2008, Lindenberg UKMO 1D-Var only partly available
IASI assessment in GlobVapour Case 1: June 2008, Lindenberg UKMO 1D-Var only partly available ERA-Interim forecast might be very closed to radiosondes since they are assimilated
IASI assessment in GlobVapour Case 2: August 2008, Lamont Please note, the EUMETSAT v5 results are not from the official version 5 of the EUMETSAT IASI processor, but from an intermediate test processor
IASI assessment in GlobVapour Case 2: August 2008, Lamont Please note, the EUMETSAT v5 results are not from the official version 5 of the EUMETSAT IASI processor, but from an intermediate test processor
IASI assessment in GlobVapour Case 3: July 2007, Lamont
IASI assessment in GlobVapour Case 3: July 2007, Lamont Missing bias correction?!
Summary and Outlook IASI retrieval assessment has started within the ESA DUE GlobVapour project First results have been collected and inter-compared More data needed to draw possible conclusions NOAA retrieval data will included soon, maybe also EUMETSAT v5 Jul 2007Aug 2007Jan 2008Jun 2008Aug 2008Dec 2008 SiteLiSBLN SBLN SBLN SBLN SBLN SBLN UKMOyyyyyyyyyy-----yyyyy-----yyyyy NOAA EUMETSAT v yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy EUMETSAT v yyyyy----- DLRy----y DWDyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Summary and Outlook Also use other pixels in comparisons… Advanced validation tools to be used: Software following the approach of Pougatchev (2008), Pougatchev et al. (2009). The model developed accounts for differences in horizontal, vertical, and temporal resolution as well as noise level of the IASI instrument and radiosondes. We plan to adapt this metho- dology also to the problem of comparison of TCWV estimates to ground-based observations and to comparisons among the products.
Fiona Hilton, Paolo Antonelli, Xavier Calbet, Tim Hultberg, Lydie Lavanant, Xu Liu, Guido Masiello, Stuart Newman, Jonathan Taylor, Carmine Serio, Daniel Zhou, 2009: AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE PERFORMANCE OF RETRIEVALS OF TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY FROM IASI, Conference proceeding EUMETSAT conference 2009 N. Pougatchev, T. August, X. Calbet, T. Hultberg, O. Oduleye, P. Schlüssel2, B. Stiller, K. St. Germain, and G. Bingham, 2009: IASI temperature and water vapor retrievals – error assessment and validation, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 9, 6453–6458 Pougatchev, N. S.: Validation of atmospheric sounders by correlative measurements, Appl. Opt., 47,4739– 4748, Thank you