Biology CPA Round Two Miss Colabelli
CarbsProteinsLipidsNuc. Acids
Carbs, 100 Monosaccharide. A monomer of a carbohydrate is called…
Proteins, 100 An amino acid. The monomer of a protein is called...
Lipids, 100 Triglycerides Phospholipids Waxes Steroids What are the four types of lipids?
Nuc. Acids, 100 Nucleotide What is the monomer of a nucleic acid?
Carbs, 200 Sucrose A glucose molecule can bond with a fructose molecule to form what disaccharide?
Proteins, 200 Amino group Carboxyl group R group The three parts of an amino acid are…
Lipids, A triglyceride has how many fatty acid tails?
Nuc. Acids, 200 Phosphorous What element do nucleic acids have that no other biomolecule does?
Carbs, 300 Starch What polysaccharide is found in plants and is edible?
Proteins, 300 A rearrangement of Molecules and a Covalent bond is made While losing 1 molecule Of water Explain how a peptide bond is made to link two amino acids together.
Lipids, 300 Cell membranes Phospholipids can spontaneously form a bilayer in our bodies and creates our…
Nuc. Acids, 300 RNA & DNA What are the two polymers of nucleic acids?
Carbs, 400 Glycogen Sugars and complex carbs are stored as what polysaccharide in animals?
Proteins, 400 Primary: peptide bonds make an amino acid chain Secondary: hydrogen bonds create alpha helix & beta pleated sheets Tertiary: hydrophobic/hydrophilic create 3D protein Quaternary: multiple subunits Explain each step in protein folding including quaternary.
Lipids, 400 Hormones – cell maintenence What is the main function of steroids in the body?
Nuc. Acids, carbon sugar Phosphorous group Nitrogenous base What are the three parts to a nucleotide?
Carbs, 500 Glucose Which monosaccharide is repeated over and over in a starch molecule?
Proteins, 500 The conformational change of an enzyme due to change in temp or pH What is denaturation?
Lipids, 500 Saturated: single bonds, comes From animals, solid at room temp Unsaturated: at least one double Bond, usually from plants, soft or Liquid at room temp What is the chemical and physical difference between saturated and unsaturated fats?
Nuc. Acids, 500 RNA: Ribose sugar DNA: Deoxyribose sugar What is the difference between RNA and DNA?