ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Stephanie Valko Social Studies/History 3 rd Grade Illinois State History
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Goals: To understand the history of the state of Illinois. To understand what the state of Illinois means to themselves. Objectives: Content/Knowledge: The students will be able to understand the history of the state of Illinois through researching the states history. Process/Skills : The students will be able to organize gathered data and interoperate what it means through research. Values/Dispositions: The students will be able to understand what kind of value that the state of Illinois holds to themselves through research.
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Rationale: It is important for the students to learn about the state of Illinois so that they can have a better understanding of the state they live in and what types of history it has to offer. Standards: State – Illinois Common Core or Learning Standards 16.D.1 (US) Describe key figures and organizations (e.g., fraternal/civic organizations, public service groups, community leaders) in the social history of the local community. 16.E.1 (US) Describe how the local environment has changed over time. National – NCSS Themes Historical Comprehension-Draw upon visual and mathematical data presented in graphs. Historical comprehension-draw upon the visual data presented in photographs, paintings, cartoons, and architectural drawings. Historical Analysis and Interpretation-consider multiple perspectives. Historical Issues-Identify problems and dilemmas in the past.
Logical/Mathematical This learning activity would have the students graphing on the bar graph the population of animals from about 50 years ago to the population that is in the community now. Resources needed would be data on a geographic location for the number and types of animals that lived there around 50 years ago and today’s data. The materials for this activity would be bar graph paper, crayons or colored pencils to graph, and wild life animal data. wildlife/directory.cfm
Verbal/Linguistic Since the students are going to be familiar with the types of animals that live in the area from the previous activity I would have my students then pick one animal that is on the danger list in Illinois and research the history of that animal to try to figure out why they are on the list. The students here will need paper, a writing utensil, books, computers ocuments/ETChecklist2011.pdf
Musical/Rhythmic Here I would have my students learn about different music from Indian Tribes that are native to Illinois. I would have them listen to some music first to understand the rhythm and then I would hand out rhythmic instruments for them to play with the music. Here you would need different types of drums and other rhythm instruments and music for a native Indian tribe. You would also need a song from an Illinois Indian tribe. k/nat_amer/post/htmls/am_music.html
Visual/Spatial Here I would have different pictures of Chicago and what it looked like in the past. Then I would have the students look at those pictures and then write what changes they noticed within the city. For this activity you would need pictures of Chicago from several different years, paper and writing utensils. ks/pacyga/gallery/index.html
Body/Kinesthetic For this activity I would teach my students how to dance like some of the Native Illinois Indians would dance. All we would need is some Indian music (which can be used from the music lesson) and a large space for dancing. egory/articles/powwow/dancin g/
Interpersonal In this lesson I would teach the students about how Illinois native Indians get a long with the general public. I would teach this lesson through a power point with different facts and pictures. A big example for this lesson would be the Illini Chief. For this lesson I would need my laptop and a projector. The students would need paper and pencils for notes.
Intrapersonal Here I would have my students write about what they could do to make the environment around them a better place to live so that in the future when people look back to see how our environment was they would see that it was acceptable. For this lesson the students would need a writing utensil and paper.
Naturalistic For this activity I would take my students on a hike in the area around the school. What we would do is take a look at the environment around them. Then when we got back to the classroom I would have them draw and write about what they thought the environment here looked like 50 years ago. For this activity there needs to be nice weather for the walk and then the students also need paper, writing utensils and coloring supplies.
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Visual Learning and Assessment: Visual Learning, Assessment, and Online Resources: Assessment: 1. I would assess how my students learning by having them do a group presentation at the end of the unit or week recapping everything that they learned. Online Resources: 1.