The World Wants a Real Deal Dec 12th, 2009 Real Deal Global Action Day
Tcktcktck TckTckTck is an unprecedented global alliance, representing hundreds of millions of people from all walks of life all calling for a fair, ambitious and binding climate change agreement in December 2009 in Copenhagen. The world is ready!
The Real Deal Tcktcktck partners have been asking for a “FAB” deal to result from COP 15 – FAIR: for the poorest countries and people that did not cause climate change but will suffer most from it. – AMBITIOUS: enough to leave a planet safe for us all. – BINDING: with real targets that can be legally monitored and enforced. And to achieve this we are asking Heads of State to go to Copenhagen.
The Tcktcktck campaign The Tcktcktck campaign has more than 200 partners globally that represent environment and development NGOs, humanitarian and faith groups, science and health groups, labor unions, youth and rights groups, etc. It has an on-line petition that has been endorsed by more than 3.3 million citizens for climate action to date It supports national campaigning in 10+ key countries - of which India is one. It supports mobilization of groups and individuals around key moments.
The campaign asks We want our political leaders to be in Copenhagen and to show historic leadership in achieving a treaty which is: FAIR Reduce developed country emissions by at least 40% by Enable and support poor countries to adapt to the worst consequences of the climate crisis, reduce their emissions and ensure technology sharing including through the provision of sufficient public funds. Protect marginalized communities in rich and poor countries. AMBITIOUS Ensure that global greenhouse emissions peak no later than 2015 and then decline steeply on a pathway to ensure concentrations of less that 350ppm in the atmosphere. Create a pathway to clean jobs and clean energy for all. Establish necessary conditions for a sustainable and prosperous future for people, flora and fauna. BINDING Agree to a legally binding international agreement that can be verified and enforced.
Key Moments Dec 12th is a major key moment and we are calling on millions of individuals and thousands of organizations in all countries of the world to come together and send a loud and clear message to world leaders that we want a real deal! Recently, the Tcktcktck campaign partners mobilized to support the Oct 24th Day of Action. In total more than 5,200 actions took place in 181 countries. Before that, the Tcktcktck campaign organized the Global Wake Up Call which registered more than 2,600 actions in 120 countries around the world on Sept 21st.
Real Deal Global Action Day
Critical to the Real Deal Action Day is millions of people taking action in their own communities and regions to show the leaders that climate change is an issue that concerns everyone. – Join a rally, – Write to your local and national leaders, – Put your name and message on a signature wall, banner or other. We invite and will support groups in key capitals to set up giant signature walls that will be unveiled on Dec 12th and will be focal media and rally point. In Copenhagen, on Dec 12th, we will compose a giant signature wall that will reflect the thousands of actions and signature walls from around the world.
Real Deal Global Action Day Support from the campaigns to partners around the world: Event Widgets: The events will be organized by supporters around the world registering the event on the interactive map. Like that organized for the 350 day of action and the Global Wake Up Call, the ‘map’ can be embedded on anyone’s site allowing supporters from all organizations to get involved. Media Support: Tcktcktck will provide template media releases and advisories to help local groups get publicity for their events. Materials: Tcktcktck will provide a host of materials for organisations and individuals to download and print out, including: - Posters - The World Wants a Real Real Deal info sheet detailing what a real deal includes - Printable banners and placards - Examples of the types of action and events
Real Deal Global Action Day December 12 is the midpoint of the Copenhagen climate talks. At this crucial moment - amidst the culmination of years of preparation, organizing, and negotiation around the globe - governments need to hear a clear, simple and loud message from people everywhere: the world wants a real deal. Join us!