Special Advertising Situations
Lecture Outline Discuss retail advertising and what makes it distinctive Explain the basics of B2B advertising Identify the basic goals and operations of nonprofit and social marketing Describe the strategic decisions behind international advertising and IMC
Retail Advertising Retail marketing is about selling and shopping Occurs on local, national, and international levels Accounts for nearly half of all the money spent on advertising
Retail Advertising Objectives Build store traffic Build store brand awareness Sell a variety of products and brands Deliver sales promotion messages Create and communicate store image Establish store brand that resonates with audience Create customer desire to shop
Retail vs. Brand Advertising Local Retail Advertising Targeted to people living in the store’s community Promotes several different or competing brands Has an inherent urgency Advertises a specific local store Brand Advertisers Typically deliver a more standardized message Supports only the advertiser’s brand More concerned with image
Retail Advertising Strategies Cooperative advertising When the national brand reimburses the retailer for part or all of the advertising expenses Ad allowances
Retail Advertising Strategies Cooperative advertising Institutional and product retail advertising Institutional retail advertising sells the retail store as a brand Product retail advertising presents specific merchandise for sale at a certain price
Creating the Retail Ad Why would you shop in your store? Personnel Location Pricing policy Products History Social responsibility issues Image
The Media of Retail Advertising Local retailers prefer reach over frequency Newspapers and direct mail largest local retail advertising media Shoppers Preprints
Business-to-Business Advertising Industrial advertising Directed at original equipment manufacturers
Business-to-Business Advertising… Industrial advertising Government advertising Largest purchaser of industrial goods Such goods may be advertised in government- targeted publications
Business-to-Business Advertising… Industrial advertising Government advertising Trade/channel advertising Used to persuade distribution channel members to stock the products of the manufacturer
Business-to-Business Advertising… Industrial advertising Government advertising Trade/channel advertising Professional advertising Directed at mostly white- collar workers or advertising/mark eting specialists
Business-to-Business Advertising… Industrial advertising Government advertising Trade/channel advertising Professional advertising Agricultural advertising Promotes a variety of products and services Animal health products Seeds Machinery and equipment Crop dusting Fertilizer
Business-to-Business Advertising… B2B Buying Behavior Purchasing objectives Price Service Quality Assurance of supply Creating B2B Advertising Select strongest benefit Dramatize most important benefit Relevant visual Clear offer Provide contact information
B2B Advertising Media General business and trade publications Directory advertising Consumer media The Web Direct marketing
Nonprofit or Social Marketing Cause/Mission Marketing Adopting a good cause and sponsoring community and fund-raising efforts Links a company’s mission and core values to a cause Nonprofit Marketing Fundraising Public communication campaigns
International Advertising and Marketing Communication Stages of Development Exporting Internationalization Globalization Global vs. Local Standardization Localization Combination
Planning Global Marketing Communication Programs Market or Culture Orientation Market- orientation model Culture- orientation approach Control vs. Adaptation Local initiative Centrally conceived campaigns Variations on central campaigns Bottom-up creativity
Planning a Global Strategy Global advertising objectives Targeting issues Positioning the global brand Setting the budget Executing the international campaign Organizing for the international campaign
Bibliography Principles of Advertising & IMC by Tom Duncan 2 nd Edition, Published by McGraw-Hill Irwin. Event Management For Tourism, Cultural, Business and Sporting Events by Lynn Van Der Wagen Brenda R. Carlos Published by Pearson Prentice Hall. Advertising Principles and Practice by W. Wells, S. Moriarty and J. Burnett, Published by Prentice Hall International. Integrated Marketing Communications by David Pickton & Amanda Broderick Published by Prentice Hall.
The End: “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you’ll be a success.”