Campaign Objective This is a place to put the campaign description. This is just filler text here. This is a place to put the campaign description. This is just filler text here. This is a place to put the campaign description. This is just filler text here. Pabst Blue Ribbon Award Winning Brewing Company Date
Campaign Objectives
Brick Elements (Brick elements are all the parts of your story that you build in the listener’s mind. Testimonials or seasonal commercials would be considered Brick Elements) Mortar Elements (Mortar is the consistency of elements in your marketing message. Slogans or “Jingles” are examples of Mortar Elements; these elements should be included in all advertising) UTOPIA Elements (For Action Plans, your commercials should follow U.T.O.P.I.A. ) Creative…(listen for)
Aggressive Plan On Air 25 Selling Messages per week on 96.7 KCMQ 25 Selling Messages per week on KSSZ 25 Selling Messages per week on Y107 Free copywriting, production, and Display Ad design from the award winning Zimmer Creative Services On Line: Large Web Banner on each station website Streaming Sponsorship on each station website Website Design Social Media On Location: Live Broadcast on Y107 once per quarter Weekly Investment = (52 Week Minimum) Business Name: _________________________ Signature___________________________ Date _______ Conditions: Selling Messages (:60 Commercials) run on the Total Audience Plan Monday – Sunday Payment in full required in advance, unless a positive credit history established with Zimmer Radio Group. All Zimmer Terms and Conditions Apply (See separate sheet). Any cancellation will require a 30 day written cancellation notice and payment in full of all outstanding balances. Pricing good for 7 business days but subject to availability Start Date:_____________ End Date:_____________
Moderate Plan On Air 25 Selling Messages per week on 96.7 KCMQ 25 Selling Messages per week on KSSZ Free copywriting, production, and Display Ad design from the award winning Zimmer Creative Services On Line: Large Web Banner on each station website Streaming Sponsorship on each station website Website Design Social Media On Location: Live Broadcast on 96.7 KCMQ once per quarter Weekly Investment = (52 Week Minimum) Business Name: _________________________ Signature___________________________ Date _______ Start Date:_____________ End Date:_____________ Conditions: Selling Messages (:60 Commercials) run on the Total Audience Plan Monday – Sunday Payment in full required in advance, unless a positive credit history established with Zimmer Radio Group. All Zimmer Terms and Conditions Apply (See separate sheet). Any cancellation will require a 30 day written cancellation notice and payment in full of all outstanding balances. Pricing good for 7 business days but subject to availability
Conservative Plan On Air 25 Selling Messages per week on 96.7 KCMQ Free copywriting, production, and Display Ad design from the award winning Zimmer Creative Services On Line: Small Web Banner on Streaming Sponsorship on Website Design Social Media On Location: Live Broadcast on KCMQ once per quarter Weekly Investment = (52 Week Minimum) Business Name: _________________________ Signature___________________________ Date _______ Start Date:_____________ End Date:_____________ Conditions: Selling Messages (:60 Commercials) run on the Total Audience Plan Monday – Sunday Payment in full required in advance, unless a positive credit history established with Zimmer Radio Group. All Zimmer Terms and Conditions Apply (See separate sheet). Any cancellation will require a 30 day written cancellation notice and payment in full of all outstanding balances. Pricing good for 7 business days but subject to availability