9 February 2015 To-Do List PULL OUT your alternative reading material. We will begin with Alternative Reading Time. ●Introduction to Realism, Naturalism and Regionalism Unit ○“faithful” representation of reality ●Look at various pieces of art, 1 letter, and 1-2 short newspaper articles from the late 1800’s ○Overview of Realism in American society Homework ●WRITE a letter to a distant friend, “faithfully” describing your day and any struggles you faced. DUE TOMORROW!! ●Be working on the ACT practice test!!
10 February 2015 To-Do List PULL OUT your alternative reading material. We will begin with Alternative Reading Time. ●ACT Q-and-A Session; ACT Newsflash on Possession ●Realism, Naturalism, Regionalism Powerpoint ●Introduce the Realism Journal Project ○Look at students’ homework Homework ●Be working on the ACT practice test!!
ACT Newsflash: Possession Ex. An artist’s solid black canvas on a wall can produce several reactions. A.NO CHANGE B.artists’ C.artists **APOSTROPHE = OWNERSHIP** Ex. Eventually, the group’s collected notes lead to more revisions. A.NO CHANGE B.the groups collected notes C.the groups’ collected notes
Annotations for Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” When annotating Jack London’s “To Build a Fire,” think about: ●UNDERLINING any Realist, Naturalist, OR Regionalist ideas. ●UNDERLINING any times you see London using Realist writing techniques; any time you see London trying to portray reality “faithfully.” ●Writing questions or concerns you have about the story in the margins.
12 February 2015 To-Do List PULL OUT your alternative reading material. We will begin with Alternative Reading Time. ●ACT Q-and-A Session ●Brief background on Jack London ●Begin reading London’s short story “To Build a Fire” in class Homework ●FINISH reading and annotating Jack London’s “To Build a Fire.” DUE TOMORROW!! ●FINISH the Realism Journal Project. DUE TOMORROW!! ●Be working on the ACT practice test! WHOLE PACKET IS DUE ON THE 23rd of February!
13 February 2015 To-Do List Mini-Journal: Write a paragraph (4 C’s) to answer the questions, “Do you think your journal represents reality or truth? Why or why not?” ●Small-group Film Poster activity for Jack London’s “To Build a Fire” Homework ●Be working on the ACT practice test over the break!! WHOLE PACKET IS DUE on the Monday we come back (23rd February)!! ●DON’T FORGET: The break is your last opportunity to take part in the Transcendental Sequestration Project!! 23rd February is the day it is DUE!!
12 February 2015 In my second period class, I had a discussion that was difficult because all the students were looking at me with wide-open, confused, and slightly angry eyes. Looking to me, to give them a “right” answer I did not have. The lights of the classroom glared fluorescently at me in a washed-out annoyance. Instead of my heartbeat speeding up in fear, I calmed my body and tried to enjoy the chaos.
“To Build a Fire” Film Poster ●Design a movie poster with an image that “faithfully” captures the reality of the story. THINK ABOUT THE REALISM IMAGES WE LOOKED AT. ●Make sure the title of the film is on the film poster. ●Give the film a tag line that communicates the main idea of the story. ●Cast an actor in the main role and write their name on the poster. THEN, write a brief defense of your casting choice on the back of your poster.