Who has a Disability Categories of Disabilities Ms. Boldt
Who has a Disability Categories of Disabilities Autism Deafness Deafness-Blindness Hearing Impairment Multiple Disabilities Orthopedic Impairment Other Health Impairment Tourette’s Syndrome Emotional Disturbance Specific Learning Disabilities Speech or Language Impairment Traumatic Brain Injury Visual Impairment including blindness Pervasive Developmental Disorder
Signs of Learning Disability trouble leaning the alphabet, rhyming word or connecting letters to their sounds Many mistakes when reading aloud and repeat and pauses often Not understanding when he or she read Real trouble with spelling Vey messy handwriting or hold a pencil awkwardly Struggles to express ideas in writing Leaning language late or a limited vocabulary Trouble remembering the sound that letters make or hearing slight differences between words Trouble understanding jokes, comic strips and sarcasm Mispronounces word or uses a wrong work that sounds similar Trouble organizing what he or she want to say or not able to think of the work that is needed for writing or conversation Not follow the social rules of conversation: taking turns or standing to close for a conversation Confused math symbols and misreads number Not being able to retell a story in order Not knowing where to begin a task or how to go from where they are at
Tips for Parents Give your child the chance to excel or just have fun in things outside of the classroom, let them be kids Help them learn thought their strengths Meet with other parents that have a child with the same disability Develop a plan with the school and the child