“What about the Arts ?” Steve Carroll Faculty Technical Manager Faculty of Arts
Creative industries employ c.1,000,000 people nationally and provides 7% of GDP c.900 UG Arts courses from almost 200 institutions on UCAS website Faculty of Arts c.3000 students supported by 30 Technical Staff
Technician Council “When people think about Technicians, I don’t want their first thought to be of Prince Albert and the Great Exhibition – of the past. I want it to be of CERN, the NHS and Glastonbury. Of Formula 1, iPads, google, and any number of innovative products and services that will be developed in the future.” “ Professional bodies and technician registration are at the heart of the Technician Council’s agenda.” Dr Graham Spittle, Chairman of the Technician Council. Address to the All Party Parliamentary Group for Skills and Employment, 22 nd Jan 2013
‘The Future of Technical Support in Higher Education’ First joint National Association of Professional and Technical Specialists in Education/Institute of Science and Technology annual conference: 4 th July 2012 University of Sheffield
Umbrella Organisations Science Council - 40 Member Bodies – Association for Clinical Biochemistry, British Psychological Society, British Society of Soil Sciences, Institute of Brewing and Distilling, Institute of Science and Technology etc. Engineering Council – 36 Licensed Institutions – British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing, Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers, Institute of Chemical Engineers etc. – Holds the National Registers of 235,000 Engineering Technicians
What about the Arts ? – The British Institute of Professional Photographers, The Royal Photographic Society, The National Association of Theatre Technicians, JAMES, Crafts Council, Equity, BECTU, Musicians Union, Higher Education Academy etc…… Arts Council ?
Arts Council Goal no. 4 “We will encourage skills development, collaborative working and knowledge sharing, including enabling the arts to realise the potential of technological change” “We will seek to ensure that mainstream funding for learning and skills development supports the training needs of the arts” “Professional development is regarded as essential to the health of the arts”
HEaTED and the Arts: What can we offer our members? Steve Carroll Faculty Technical Manager Faculty of Arts Plymouth University HEaTED Conference 9 th January 2013
Areas for discussion: Training National Network of Arts Technicians Professional Registration for Arts Technicians
HEaTED and the Arts outcomes NNAT’s co-ordinator(s) National Survey Online Arts Forum on HEaTED website Funding for networking visits to other institutions Support for NNAT’s events
National Network of Arts Technicians Networking Opportunities Sharing Best Practice Collaboration Skills Development Knowledge Sharing Professional Registration
IST and the Arts
What next ? Please register on HEaTED website Respond to Survey Network