DAILY fizziks CHALLENGE 2.The United States officially uses the English System, not the Metric System, primarily for measurement. Besides the U.S., the # of countries that use the English system are… A. 2 B. 12 C. 20 D. 200
Wrong Units Cost NASA Mars Climate Orbiter Gone Forever Twice a day during the cruise to Mars, tiny thrusters on the spacecraft were fired briefly to counteract the effects of solar wind and other forces on the spinning of the flywheels. The spacecraft team in Colorado used English units in Pound-Seconds to describe the small forces called Impulse. That data was shipped via computer to JPL where the navigation team was expecting to receive the information in Newton-Seconds, a Metric measure of Impulse. This sent the craft slowly off course miles in all -- leading it on a suicide course through the Martian atmosphere.