BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR May 14, 2005 AGENDA FOR THE DAY Annual Meeting of the Trent University Foundation. The meeting included invited guests from the Trent University Legacy Society. A light lunch and Introduction to the Four Tours The Tours – The Trent DNA facilities & “Mini-CSI” lecture and lab visit – The Trent Archives – Trent Business Administration program – The First Peoples Performance Space Social gathering and afternoon tea in the Gathering Space.
BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR May 14, 2005 TRENT UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION ANNUAL MEETING President Bonnie Patterson provided an update on University developments to both the Directors of Trent University Foundation and visiting members of the Trent Legacy Society. This meeting was held prior to the Behind the Scenes Tour.
BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR May 14, 2005 TRENT UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION ANNUAL MEETING Chairman Walter Howell providing the Chairman’s annual report to the Foundation and visiting members of the Legacy Society.
BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR May 14, 2005 TRENT DNA Teaching, Research & Laboratory activities Dr. Brad White provided an informative overview of DNA Science in a mini-lecture, some group members also submitted “swab samples” to have their individual DNA profiled for a small fee, and the group visited a DNA lab to see the technical operations of the profiling equipment.
BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR May 14, 2005 THE TRENT ARCHIVES Dr. Bernadine Dodge provides information to the group on the Trent Archives. Some interesting displays were laid out for the group including early maps of Peterborough, letters from original settlers (Peter Robinson letter) and preserved botanical samples from Catherine Parr Traill’s personal collection.
BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR May 14, 2005 BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Professor Ed Ng provided an enthusiastic and informative mini- lecture on how human performance in business organizations translates into measurable business performance.
BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR May 14, 2005 FIRST PEOPLES PERFORMANCE SPACE Trent Legacy Society member, Bill Reid, is meeting with Trent Professor and Canada Research Chair, Professor Marrie Mumford. Just prior Marrie moderated a multi-media presentation on visiting aboriginal performance groups as well as the Vision and Societal significance of Trent’s program.
BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR May 14, 2005 FIRST PEOPLES PERFORMANCE SPACE The Behind The Scenes groups congregate in the Performance Space to listen to Professor Marrie Mumford’s presentation on Aboriginal performance, and the significance of preserving the traditions and languages of Canada’s Native Peoples.
BEHIND THE SCENES TOUR May 14, 2005 Summary AN EXCELLENT DAY!! The general response from our visitors was very positive. Commendations to Katie Brown and Sylvia Hennessey on an excellent job of organizing and managing this event. A special thanks goes out to our feature performers – Marrie Mumford, Bernadine Dodge, Brad White and Ed Ng for the excellent job they all did in highlighting their areas of expertise.