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Summary The basics of U.K. rural tourism Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Summary The basics of U.K. rural tourism The features of U.K. rural tourism The ideas of how to develop rural tourism in Shanghai’s suburbs
Part Ⅰ: The basics of U.K. rural tourism Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅰ: The basics of U.K. rural tourism U.K. is one of the pioneering countries who have developed tourism industry successfully , especially the rural tourism. There are almost 10% tourism scenic areas which can be classified into rural tourism in U.K. Including some livestock farms, vineyards, country parks-----
Part Ⅰ: The basics of U.K. rural tourism Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅰ: The basics of U.K. rural tourism City population is the main source of tourists for rural tourism. Why------ Enough leisure time (weekends, paid holidays, flexible working time and so on). Eager to relax themselves in the countryside. Attracted by rich rural tourism resources.
Part Ⅱ: The features of U.K. rural tourism Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅱ: The features of U.K. rural tourism More participation and interaction
Part Ⅱ: The feature of U.K. rural tourism Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅱ: The feature of U.K. rural tourism High standards and high quality of services
Part Ⅱ: The features of U.K. rural tourism Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅱ: The features of U.K. rural tourism Enjoy countryside food which is healthy & green & ecological
Part Ⅱ: The features of U.K. rural tourism Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅱ: The features of U.K. rural tourism Learn something both novel and traditional. E.g. factories, farms and workshops.
Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅲ: The ideas of how to develop rural tourism in Shanghai’s suburbs E.g.----Fengxian District Fengxian district is a beautiful coastal area in southern Shanghai. Two major themes of Fengxian’s tourism---- “Coastal” and “Rural”.
Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅲ: The ideas of how to develop rural tourism in Shanghai’s suburbs The same points : No large-scale industrial enterprises The suburb of a big modern city City people are the main source of tourists The same tourist season
1. To keep the style and features of rural area. Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅲ: The ideas of how to develop rural tourism in Shanghai’s suburbs 1. To keep the style and features of rural area. Attractions----characteristics of rural style. Basis----variety of agricultural forms.
2. The miniature management is an important orientation. Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅲ: The ideas of how to develop rural tourism in Shanghai’s suburbs 2. The miniature management is an important orientation. The small-scale farm is the principal orientation of U.K.’s rural tourism. Determined by characteristics of agricultural business, investments scale, market demands.
3. Local market is a big cake. Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅲ: The ideas of how to develop rural tourism in Shanghai’s suburbs 3. Local market is a big cake. About 90% of the tourists are local people, 10% are from other places and foreign countries. Most of them are families, students and self-drive tourists. According to these information, product development and marketing management and operation are targeted.
Part Ⅲ: The ideas of how to develop rural tourism in Shanghai suburbs Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅲ: The ideas of how to develop rural tourism in Shanghai suburbs 4.Interactive activities are indispensable. Tourists prefer being the participants rather than the bystanders. Managers should bring a real country life experience to the tourists.
Part Ⅲ: The ideas of how to develop rural tourism in Shanghai suburbs Enlightenment from U.K. Rural Tourism Part Ⅲ: The ideas of how to develop rural tourism in Shanghai suburbs 5. Ecological environment is the basic condition. With orderly planning, to avoid factory or business destroy whole layout. Keep characteristics which are quiet, leisurely, ecological and green.
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