Take 5 for Safety
PPE Working Group Update - Opinions PPE-related injuries are symptoms of bigger problem Failure to use PPE or improper PPE may indicate: management/supervisory failure to communicate failure to recognize what is proper an organizational belief problem poor distribution or selection of PPE worker failure to observe good practice
Facts: 3 Years of BNL PPE Related Injuries; i.e., Injured Party Should Have Worn Gloves or Other PPE or Correct PPE
132 PPE-Related Injuries at BNL In 3 Years 67% were to the upper and lower extremities 62% were hand related 16% were to the eyes 35% were recordable 33% were workers compensation cases Several individuals have PPE-related incidents in two of the three years...one made it four years in a row
Average WC Cost/Claim Hand injuries - $2,700 Eye injuries - $285 Hearing losses - $5,000 Foot injuries - $1,200 Allergic reactions - $500 Full body exposures - $2,000
Initial Reactions Amazing number of PPE related injuries (30% of total) PPE is small cost when compared to cost of injury Issued but not worn indicates organizational weaknesses: Four animal-bites in Animal Research Group Numerous knife cuts at cafeteria Wrong tools or other indicates organizational weaknesses: Numerous knife cuts when tool should have been used Repeaters Supervisors should examine each job for PPE