Victim to Victor Annual Forum for Social Justice March 29, 2003 South Hill Business School
Theme Are you a Victim or Victor of Racism, Social Injustice, Discrimination and/or the Crimes?
History of Victim to Victor Series Historical backgrounds of this forum A Youth Forum was implemented in 1999 to help our youth cope with discrimination Mentors and community leaders come together to build bridges with youth
References of Victors
Continuum of Change The topic of the discussion is “Respecting Others,” the specific focus is on the continuum of change and the importance of diversity awareness and how to facilitate positive change. Celebrating our differences and embracing dialogue about differences is the key.
Panel discussion
Victims to Victors in Literature Critical Pedagogy
Nurturing Democracy with Literature “Literacy would be linked to developing particular skills and knowledge that offer students a range of subject positions that would be necessary for realizing democratic public life” (Brady, 142).
Victims and Victors in History -Historical web of connection- Arguably, the issues that framed the social concerns of students of the sixties have resurfaced. In their commitment to educational and social equity and the opportunity to shape campus life, we once again are witnessing a resurgence of civil rights concerns and a push for more participatory forms of institutional governance.
The future is not a donation: it exists as a necessity of history and implies its continuity. History has not died, nor has it metamorphosed into a make-believe mirage. Pedagogy of Heart 42.
Victims and Victors in Society One of my goals is to develop structures to that community members and agenices can take their own initiative and chart their own course thus eliminating the need for our continued presence and expertise. In other words, our success in creating structures so that community members empower themselves rests on the degree to which our presence and expertise in the community are no longer necessary because community members have acquired their own expertise, thus preventing a type of neo–colonialism. – Macedo xv
Victors not Victims any more
My Oath
Message of Paulo Freire A sense of agency and social action Our future Our dream Our youth
Child experience and Hope During that afternoon while reading a letter I had received from Recife I – all of a sudden, like magic- recoiled into time and almost saw myself again as a child, in my backyard full of trees, learning to read with the help of my mother rand father, writing phrases and words in the ground shaded by the mango trees. Pedagogy of Heart 38
Teach me to see the Vision
Evaluation I learned a lot about the different aspects of diversity and now they all come together. – Leslie It changed my views on the aspect of racism and how it just doesn't affect one group of people. – Leslie The history! Greek and Roman history and how it pertains to the USA. – Ciara It changed my views that everyone has problems and not just blacks. – Jaleesa How history is an important factor to our future. – Unnamed person
Multiple dimensions of social action
A Bus Story
Passionate Learning
Continuum of Change
Victims to Victors