How do we learn social and emotional skills and what works in teaching them? Secondary SEAL awarness PPT 2.


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Presentation transcript:

How do we learn social and emotional skills and what works in teaching them? Secondary SEAL awarness PPT 2

An explicit curriculum with learning outcomes reinforced within a positive environment A year group theme each term Staff development – all tutors deliver Year group assembly to launch the theme Curriculum – teaching and learning activities in each year group – spiral curriculum to achieve specific learning outcomes Cross-curricular and whole school reinforcement Celebration of the application of SEAL skills Secondary SEAL awarness PPT 2

A little bit of neuroscience! If you are wearing a watch, take it off and place it on the other wrist….. Secondary SEAL awarness PPT 2

How do we learn social, emotional and behavioural skills? Read Handout 2.1, then discuss your understanding in pairs or around your tables. Note down any questions that arise and ask when the group comes together. Secondary SEAL awarness PPT 2

I learn that when someone is in my way I hit them. This is successful in getting them to move out of my way. The next time someone is in my way I repeat the behaviour. I continue to repeat the behaviour. Someone tells me that it is wrong to hit someone to make them get out the way. They teach me a new strategy – to ask them to move out of the way. I continue to use my previous behaviour, unless I am reminded and supported in using the new behaviour. With support, I begin to use the new behaviour more.. Gradually the new behaviour becomes my ‘default’ response, and the old behaviour dies away. Secondary SEAL awarness PPT 2

Now what about that watch? Secondary SEAL awarness PPT 2

The 20/80 rule What does the research say? SEAL must be taught (20%) …. Direct and focused learning opportunities to develop knowledge, understanding and skills OHT 2.4 Secondary SEAL awarness PPT 2

..and caught (80%) A whole school approach to creating a positive emotional environment in which children feel safe to try out new ways of thinking/behaving. Adult modelling and scaffolding SEAL skills reinforced across the curriculum; Whole school reinforcement e.g. Posters/ Certificates/ Teacher focus Staff development and well-being Secondary SEAL awarness PPT 2

Examples of whole-school SEAL: Reinforcement across the school day Explicit SEAL curriculum: working together Assembly on ‘group-working’ (football theme) All curriculum areas are reinforcing ‘group-working skills’ and using ‘Working together checklist’ Y7 Camp – focus on team- building After-school clubs given learning outcomes and asked to reinforce… Secondary SEAL awarness PPT 2

Examples of whole-school SEAL: Reinforcement across the school day Practice in real life situations across the school day Adults who model and coach the skills of SEL Reward – all adults noticing and celebrating the skills we want to see Secondary SEAL awarness PPT 2

Noticing and celebrating Secondary SEAL awarness PPT 2