Elements of Plot
Plot Diagram ExpositionResolution Rising Action Falling Action Climax
Plot A series of related events that make up the story. When you summarize a story you are explaining the plot.
Setting The time and place a story takes place Time of day, week, month, year, etc Place: city, country, state, room, building, etc
Exposition The start of the story. The basic situation of the story is introduced. The main characters and setting are introduced.
Rising Action Series of events that build up to the climax. Conflicts begin to develop and suspense and interest builds
Climax The turning point in the story Usually the protagonist comes face to face with the conflict. Often the time of most excitement While reading, its when you usually say, “Ooohhh, I see where this is going.”
Falling Action The events following the climax and before the resolution
Resolution How the story ends or is resolved.
Protagonist The main character of a story
Antagonist The character that works AGAINST the main character.
Theme Lesson learned
Conflict A struggle between two opposing forces
Types of Conflict External (outside) Person vs. Person: fight, argument Person vs. Nature: tornado, storm, bear Person vs. Society: go against an organization, group, or societal “norm” Internal (inside) Person vs. Self: making a decision