By: Claire Burnett and Kendall Gregory
If you really don’t want to do something this guide will give you the slip. (results may vary) Make sure you wake up early because you’ll need some things.
Sneak into your mom’s makeup, grab her lipstick and then grab her hair dryer. You know the white powdery stuff she uses? You’ll need that too.
Now for the tricks. Take the lipstick and draw dots all over you. (Some old tricks do work.) Then take the powdery stuff and put it all over your face. When you’re about to go tell your parents you’re sick, take the hair dryer and dry your forehead.
Go to your parent’s room and lay your head on the bed. Whine, “Mommy, Daddy. I don’t feel good.” They'll look at you and jump out of bed. Your mom will say, “Sweetie, are you okay?” Then she’ll feel your head. (The hair dryer should have made you feel hot.)
Your mom will then say, “Oh honey, you feel hot!” Point to the lipstick dots and say, “I think I have the chicken pox,” in another whiney voice. Your mom will say to your father, “I think he/she does have the chicken pox!” Your father will look at you worried, “I think you’re right!” Your mom will look back at your face and say, “Honey, you’re white as a ghost!”
Your mom will kiss you and say, “You can go lay in our bed.” You would lie in your parents bed. You’ve got a serious problem if you hear the toilet flush, the faucet turn on, and then your mom screams. You didn’t get the slip. Your mom will come in the room with red and white smudges on her face. She’ll probably say, “Did you trick us?” in her you’re in trouble voice.
Then in your cutest get out of trouble voice say, “I’m sorry Mommy. I’m sorry Daddy.” Your dad will grunt and lie back in the bed lazily. Then your mom will say, “Sorry kiddo!” She’ll then send you to your room.
Acknowledgments Dedicated to: Mrs. Suarez and Mrs. Carmack for helping us out when we needed it. C.B. Also dedicated to: Emma Burnett for being a fabulous model. K.G. A special thanks to our parents for giving us great confidence. We would also like Allison Maddrey our awesome teacher for giving us tips, teaching us new things, and for always encouraging us. The End