LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: What Pathway is this? (sensory modality and region) Answer: Pain and Temperature from the Body What is the major Tract in this Pathway? Answer: Lateral Spinothalamic Tract LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Ipsilateral (Left) loss of Temperature focally at the lesion (sacral dermatome)
LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Ipsilateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature for ~2 dermatomes below the level of the lesion. Note Lower segments (thoracic, lumbar, sacral) would not be affected if the lesion is focal.
LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Bilateral (Left and Right) loss of Pain and Temperature at ~2 dermatomes below the level of the lesion.
LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Contralateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature for thoracic dermatomes and below.
LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Contralateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature in the Body.
LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Contralateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature in the Body.
LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Contralateral (Left) loss of all Somatosensation in the Body (Pain, Temperature, Touch, Pressure, Vibration, etc).
LEFT RIGHT What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Contralateral (Left) loss of all Somatosensation in the Foot/Leg (Pain, Temperature, Touch, Pressure, Vibration, etc).
What is the name of this Structure? What Pathway is this? (sensory modality and region) Answer: Pain and Temperature from the Head and Face What is the Tract name for the second order axons after they have crossed the midline? Answer: Ventral Trigeminothalamic Tract Left Right Midbrain Pons What is the name of this Structure? Spinotrigeminal tract Medulla What is the name of this Structure? Ventral Trigemino- thalamic tract Left Right
What is the result of this Lesion? Left Right Answer: Ipsilateral (Left) loss of all Somatosensation in the Face and Head (Pain, Temperature, Touch, Pressure, Vibration, etc). Spinotrigeminal tract Ventral Trigemino- thalamic tract Left Right
What is the result of this Lesion? Left Right Answer: Ipsilateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature from the Head and Face. Spinotrigeminal tract Ventral Trigemino- thalamic tract Left Right
What is the result of this Lesion? Left Right Answer: Contralateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature from the Head and Face. Spinotrigeminal tract Ventral Trigemino- thalamic tract
What is the result of this Lesion? What Pathway is shown in orange? (sensory modality and region) Answer: Fine Discrimination Touch from the Head and Face Left Right What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Contralateral (Left) loss of Pain and Temperature, AND Fine Discrimination Touch from the Head and Face. Spinotrigeminal tract Ventral Trigemino- thalamic tract
What Pathway is this? (sensory modality and region) Answer: Fine Discrimination Touch from the Body What is the name of the Tract consisting of the 2nd order axons? Answer: Medial Lemniscus
What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Ipsilateral loss of all Sensory Modalities (Pain, Temp, Fine Discrim Touch, Proprioception) at the level of the lesion.
What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Ipsilateral loss of Fine Discrimination Touch on the legs.
What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Ipsilateral loss of Fine Discrimination Touch in the upper Body.
What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Contralateral loss of Fine Discrimination Touch on the Lower Body.
What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Contralateral loss of Fine Discrimination Touch on Upper and Lower Body.
What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Contralateral loss of Fine Discrimination Touch on Upper and Lower Body.
What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Contralateral (Left) loss of all Somatosensation in the Leg (Pain, Temperature, Touch, Pressure, Vibration, etc).
What is the result of this Lesion? Answer: Contralateral loss of of all Somatosensation on Upper and Lower Body. (Pain, Temperature, Touch, Pressure, Vibration, etc).