Good News Unlimited July Magazine Support Survey
Survey Participants The survey went to 1864 UNLIMITED Subscribers in both Australia and Internationally. Of those Subscribers 533 donors received the survey within the magazine 4.7% of all GNU donors responded to the survey
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How familiar are you with GNU’s Mission? GNU supporters feel that as an organisation GNU are effectively communicates its mission.
How important is it knowing that when you support GNU, it means you’re helping spread the Word fast and effectively so the world knows Jesus? GNU donors strongly believe in the importance of the Word being spread to those in the world who are yet to know about the love of Jesus.
Do you feel GNU is spreading the Word efficiently and effectively? Sharing the stories of people lives being transformed as a result of the ministry of GNU is an effective way to communicate the work of GNU.
How do you engage with GNU? It is understandable that the predominate way in which the participants stated that they engaged with GNU is via the magazine and newsletter, as the survey was itself included within the July Magazine.
How often would you like to hear from GNU? GNU supporters are seeking regular interaction with GNU. It could be assumed that those looking for monthly engagement predominately engage with the magazine or newsletter. While those answering weekly, likely access website content.
How satisfied are you with the relationship between GNU and yourself? For the most part GNU donors are satisfied with their donor care experience. This is great feedback.
How often are GNU’s Newsletter or Magazine articles relevant to your life? Several GNU supporters commented that they would like more in depth theological content as well as the good news stories of the Word Spreading fast around the World.
How long have you been a supporter of GNU? GNU supporters are highly engaged and tend to remain so for more than 5 years.
How likely are you to contribute to GNU again? Survey participants were mostly GNU donors, who indicated their likelihood to continue to contribute to the ministry of GNU.
How likely is it that you would tell a friend or a colleague about the work of GNU? GNU supporters believe in the mission of GNU and would be prepared to share the work with their sphere of influence. Several survey responses indicated that they give the magazine to others.
How likely is it that you would consider leaving a contribution to GNU in your Will? Survey participants demonstrated high levels of interest in the possibility of supporting GNU through a legacy gift.
How well does GNU explain the need for your financial support? GNU have done very well communicating the need for financial support.
How much of an impact do you feel your donation makes GNU supporters understand that their contributions impacts lives being transformed by the Spreading of God’s word, which is the ministry of GNU. Only two survey responses suggested that their donation has little or no impact.
Please tell us in your own words why you choose to donate to GNU? These are samples of some of the responses: Because I have been blessed in the past by Des Ford and the many articles in the past magazines which helped my spiritual growth. Because it is a Christian based organisation that is spreading the news of Salvation. I believe in sending God's Word out.
Please tell us in your own words why you choose to donate to GNU?- continued… I believe that my donation will be well invested. Because we believe that through the writings of Des Ford and his teaching we now fully understand the Gospel Message. Who we believe he is a Man used mightily by God and we will continue to support the message of the Good News. I think Good News presents a relevant idea of the gospel which is meaningful to people of various ages. It has an interest in more than just a local area or country.
How satisfied are you with the recognition you receive for your financial support? GNU supporters frequently stated that they didn’t feel they required recognition for their support- it is however important to always ensure donors feel Thanked for their contributions.