Add to table of Contents: Fusion/Fission LabPg. 74 Fission and FusionPg. 75
1. Nuclear fission-the nucleus of a radioactive atom splits apart into smaller nuclei, releasing energy. (Draw the picture)
- Fission happens on Earth in naturally radioactive elements found within the earth’s crust and in nuclear reactors.
- Control rods keep the reaction under control. - Produces radioactive waste.
Every second, the sun converts 500 million metric tons of hydrogen to helium. Due to the process of fusion, 5 million metric tons is converted into energy each second. This means that every year, 157,680,000,000,000 metric tons are converted into energy. THE SUN
2. Nuclear fusion is the process by which smaller nuclei join together to form a heavier nucleus. (Draw the picture)
Fusion is accompanied by the release of energy: - this energy is in the form of light, heat and radiation. - fusion occurs in the core of stars and is why stars shine and give off heat. Fusion needs extremely high heat energy to occur(>15,000,000°C) and high pressure.
Review Nuclear fission: A large nucleus splits into several small nuclei when impacted by a neutron, and energy is released in this process Nuclear fusion: Several small nuclei fuse together and release energy.
On page 68 Draw a Double Bubble Map of Fusion and Fission fusion fission Differences Similarities Differences Fill in the bubbles with appropriate terms or sentences.