Phase 3 PAT / Research project
PAT - Research project - Phase 3 Big purpose Investigate problem In report provide evidence of full investigation with clear Introduction and Conclusion In summary pull everything together using 1/10 of time used in report
PAT - Research project - Phase 3 Look at these URLs before starting this section Crunching numbers UNCH.htm Numerical literacy Putting it all together Improving writing with the Six Traits M#anchor
Task 1 Use information – Processing/analysing
Go over graphs and working with long documents before you start this section
PAT - Research project - Phase 3 Now use Excel and Access to solve the problem Work with data so that it becomes meaningful information to help solve the questions –Use Excel functions and formulas –Use Access queries and reports –Integrate the packages where it helps with the conversion.
PAT - Research project - Phase 3 Have spreadsheets and database queries and reports ready to hand in, formatted to assist with understanding, and solving the problem Create the report Create what the rubric requires
Task 2 Use information - Final presentation/synthesis
PAT - Research project - Phase 3 Finish report Check that it has a/an –Introduction – describes the problem, and what is coming in the report –Body - discusses the task and the solution - includes information/graphics/images, tables, graphs, queries, reports created to support the proposal/solution –Conclusion - gives the solution/make a proposal/present your idea
PAT - Research project - Phase 3 Check that you have solved the problem of using the printer effectively in CAT Now you will have investigated many of the options: –Print both sides of paper –Print 2 pages per sheet –Introduce quotas –No printing at all –Printing in draft In the report describe your findings – in conclusion say which is best and why.
PAT - Research project - Phase 3 Report must include Title page Table of contents List of references – use shareware software called apamacro.exe from to do list of references. Check that they are cited in the document correctly. Note marks to see if it is worth the effort.
Provide summary of the report/findings/plan/proposal/solution using PowerPoint or FrontPage or Publisher Busy, no time, short, to the point!
Create what the rubric requires!
PAT - Research project - Phase 3 Hand in Spreadsheets, database queries and reports Report Summary
Followed the systematic way of doing a research project based on the Big 6!