A man who is a traffic cop gets his license suspended for unpaid parking tickets. An ambulance driver goes to a nightime bike accident scene and runs over the accident victim because the victim has crawled to the center of the road with his bike.
What literary term is being used in both of these examples? Irony!
What is Situational Irony? Situational Irony when an event occurs that directly contradicts what you thought would happen.
What is Dramatic Irony? Dramatic irony is when you know something someone else does not know.
What is Verbal Irony? Verbal irony is when you say one thing but you mean another.
Irony Assignment 1. Find an example of each kind of irony. 2. Attach the examples to a paper. Under each example, type a complete sentence or two describing why it is that type of irony.
You could also type a paragraph about a movie or tv show that showed irony. Be sure to tell what kind of irony is illustrated. If you are an artist, you could draw cartoons of illustrating irony. NEATNESS COUNTS!
View the following cartoons and write down what kind of irony is used in each one. Many of the cartoons contain two kinds of irony.