Management of GPS as a Dual Use System Mr Robert Dickman Under Secretary of the Air Force Deputy for Military Space
Department of Defense: Stewards of the GPS Program DoD in general, and Air Force specifically, chartered with acquisition and operations of GPS Civil perspectives are key to the management of the system –Deputy for civil matters present at the JPO –Civil representative present at AFSPC HQ –Interagency GPS Executive Board (IGEB) charts the course for future GPS activities Advantage of current management structure: Everyone is involved –Civil/commercial interests have a role in future GPS activities (Requirements, Acquisition, Operations) Implications: –Slow decision making process
TY $M GPS Investment Past, Present and Future GPS FY04 President’s Budget Profile (User Equipment and O&M not included)
DOT POS/NAV WG PNT WG IAT ASD(NII)AST(Policy) JCS DOT DOC DOS DOI DOA DOJ NASA Interagency GPS Executive Board (IGEB) Charter: Senior-level; manages GPS & US Augmentations, consistent w/ National Policy; Protect national security and foreign policy interests; Focus on dual use aspects Executive Secretariat SSG IGEB Independent Assessment Team (IAT) Charter: Senior level independent group providing policy assessments on GPS & US Augmentations to IGEB co-chairs DoD PNT Ex Com DoD Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Exec Committee (DoD POS/NAV Ex Com) Charter: Primary advisory body to ASD/C3I on DoD Position, Navigation & Timing (PNT) Matters; Primarily used as a staffing mechanism for DoD coordination; Extended POS/NAV WG DOT/Ext POS/NAV Ex Com DOT/Extended POS/NAV Executive Committee Charter: Primary advisory body to DOT on civil PNT matters; Extended and DOT POS/NAV WGs Charter: Provide broad civil input on PNT matters that extend beyond just transportation; GPS Management Interagency Requirements Process IRT Independent Review Team (IRT) Charter: Senior level independent group providing technical assessments on GPS & US Augmentations to AFSPC/CC Interagency Requirements Council (IRC) JROC Equivalent Interagency Requirements Board (IRB) Flag Level Interagency Forum for Operational Requirements (IFOR) O-6 & Flag Field Review JRP Coord & Adjudicate Mil Requirements JRB Coord & Adjudicate Mil Requirements DOT & Ext. POS/NAV WG Coord & Adjudicate Civil Requirements DOT & Ext. POS/NAV Ex Coms Broad Consensus on Civil Requirements JROC Validate Mil Requirements Acquisition Process Defense Space Acquisition Board (DSAB) DAB Equivalent Independent Program Assessment (IPA) Team Single, focused Activity that takes place of IPT process Select Civil Participation As Invited Broad Consensus on Civil Issues IGEB Co-Chairs AFSPC/CC PNT Working Group (WG) Charter: O-6 level subordinate group to Ex Com IGEB Senior Steering Group (SSG) Charter: O-6 advisory body to IGEB; Co-chaired by DoD and DOT Independent Advisory Bodies USecAF DoD Only Interagency Civil Only KEY Independent
Block IIA/IIR Block III Block IIR-M, IIF GPS III Navigation Surety Increased Accuracy Assured Availability Controlled Integrity System Survivability IIR-M: IIA/IIR capabilities plus 2nd Civil Signal on L2 (L2C) Earth coverage M-Code on L1 & L2 IIF: IIR-M capability plus 3rd Civil Signal on L5 Basic GPS Std Service (16-24m SEP) Single frequency (L1) C/A code navigation Precise Service (16m SEP) Two frequencies (L1&L2) P-code navigation Flex Power upgrade adds ability to increase power on both P and M-Code signals to defeat low level enemy jamming Increasing System Capabilities Increasing Defense/ Civil Benefit GPS Modernization Plan