Who would be the target audience?
Target audience Our target audience would be a wide age range fan base as our opening titles incorporates comics which are a recognisable aspect to most generations as they have been around for many generations. This means that we would have a wider age range for our audience who would identify with the film. Our film is an indie film so it would probably attract a younger audience as they would be more accessible to our advertising as our main advertising technique would be through social media. But we would till attract some of the older comic fans. I think this is our target audience because there are many ways to attract a young audience and this is why their would a more predominantly young audience.
Male or female? I think that our audience would be predominantly male because there are many more male fans of both comics and thrillers, although in the younger generations females are showing a interest in both of these areas. But the way that the film features violence would be more appealing to males than females.
Age certification I think that our film would be rated at 15: strong violence This would be regularly featured as the main character frank tries to eliminate any male characters that feature in the main girls life. frequent strong language (e.g. 'f***') There would be strong language used in this film when the main character frank is breaking down. drug taking This would be a key feature in the plot so this is one of the reasons that this film would be classified as a 15.
How did you attract your audience?
Marketing tools We would be reaching out audience by using a combination of techniques, they would be: Push advertising There would be review in the picturehouse magazine this would attract a audience of an older age range. The posters outside the cinemas that are screening the film. Pull advertising The pull advertising we will be using is through interactive social media pages. That will allow the audience to interact with the trailers and leave feed back. We will also be creating a website that fans can interact with and they can leave comments and that is where the trailers would be dropped and the teaser photos would be put up.
Audience feedback Audience age range: : There feed back was that the opening titles really fitted with the genre that they were presenting and the lighting really worked for building the atmosphere. The mise-en-scene really helped adding information to the character background and added to the tension. The transitions when introducing the opening titles specifically the directors names was a really effective transition. Were the lead girl disappears this is a really effective scene as it hints towards what might happen in the future. They also thought that the costumes and props really helped add to the genre, they add to the concept of the film because the costumes have been tailored to each character and this helps convey the characters personality and what role they play in the film. The lighting helped add to the bleakness and obviousness that Frank is stalking the main character and ‘he is not making an effort to conceal what he is doing’
20 – 80: They thought that the costumes and the gradual build up of the tension was really effective and that the costume change for the girl really made it clear that he was following her on separate days. The cuts that were used really helped build the atmosphere and that they added to the overall feeling for the film. They also liked the fact that there were contrasting colours from the comics overlaying the main dark footage. They also liked the fact that the main characters were quickly identifiable and that they were easily distinguishable from each other. They didn’t like the fact that the plot was to obvious to the audience as to what he was going to be doing and there was no apparent reason for his actions. ‘There was a element of mystery but I don’t think that it was the element that they were going for, as there was a lack of information as to why he was stalking her, rather than what was happening.’