MSC/SuperForge Value Story at Thyssen
Case Study n Thyssen Umformtechnik GmbH –part of German industrial giant Thyssen AG –turbine blades for power generation turbine manufacturers n No 3-D forging simulation tool so far –use of CAPS-Finel for many years –CAPS-Finel is only 2-D n Strong need for 3-D capability
3-D Forging Benchmark n Participants: –MARC Germany GmbH (MARC/AutoForge) –Transvalor SA (FORGE3) –MacNeal-Schwendler (EDC) BV (MSC/SuperForge)
3-D Forging Benchmark n Closed-die hot forging of a titanium turbine blade (length about 1.2 m) n Process data supplied by Thyssen n Geometry of dies and preform delivered in IGES format
Outcome of Benchmark n MARC gave up ! –MARC/AutoForge could not even get started (convergence problems) n FORGE3 did not succeed ! –Only the very first beginning could be shown –Full run would take CPU days (estimation of Transvalor) n MSC/SuperForge was successful ! –Good agreement with actual forging process –Full run took only 18 CPU hours !
Why did MSC/SuperForge excel ? n No remeshing techniques required –Excessive processing times avoided –No user intervention required n No numerical problems in solution –Robust computational algorithms –No “tricks and tweaks” needed enabling lower level of simulation experience
Why did MSC/SuperForge excel ? n Thin regions of turbine blade captured accurately
Why did MSC/SuperForge excel ? n Simulation model rapidly generated from IGES –Tedious “clean-up” work avoided by fast and efficient “sewing” of non-congruent surfaces
Thyssen’s Decision To Purchase MSC/SuperForge !