Welcome to KALLER International Distributors Meeting June 14-16, 2011 Workshop 6 • Stock Lifters • Die Separation Springs • Flex Cam
Stock Lifters SLMT 170 SLME 170 SLM 300 SPC 800 Here you will find the current family of lifters, from the small SLMT 170 to the bigger SPC 800 size. SLMT 170 SLME 170 SLM 300 SPC 800
Stock Lifters – simplified installation 2 x SLMT 170 Simplified installation without additional machining for guides, gas springs and fittings This is a tool with lifters installed, and also a typical customer made version using separate components and gas springs. Less time for design and machining using a standard ”all in one” components like SLMT 170. Note that some customers use also the SLMT instead of SLME for longer rails depending on their needs for the actual tool. Typical customer made lifters using separate gas springs, guides, pillars, fittings etc.
Stock Lifters – rail lifter application Progressive die rail lifter application.
Stock Lifters – application Guide rail Rail lift Principal for rail lift using stock lifters. Stock lifters
Stock Lifters – how they work This show the work how the stock lifters follows the panel movement.
Stock Lifters – SLMT 170 SLMT = M10 Product overview Features: Ideal for progressive dies Guidance and lift incorporated in one compact design No need for additional guides or anti-rotation feature 170 daN initial force easily adjustable 25-125 mm stroke length Side load and fluid protected gas spring • Easy to install, includes dowel pin holes for location • Permanent lubricated guide, scraper protected • Hoseable using M6 adapter The threaded version SLMT 170 with the X170 gas spring inside that is centered avoiding side load. You can see the two dust scrapers that holds the lubrication as well.
Stock Lifters – SLME 170 Product overview SLME = 11x16 Features: Ideal for progressive dies Guidance and lift incorporated in one compact design No need for additional guides or anti-rotation feature 170 daN initial force easily adjustable 25-125 mm stroke length Side load and fluid protected gas spring • Easy to install, includes dowel pin holes for location • Permanent lubricated guide, scraper protected • Hoseable using M6 adapter The ear version SLME 170 with the X170 gas spring inside that is centered avoiding side load. You can see the two dust scrapers that holds the lubrication as well.
Stock Lifters SLMT/SLME 170 Dimensions of the SLMT / SLME 170 stocklifters.
Stock Lifters SLMT/SLME 170 Basic information, note the maximum attachment per lifter depending on ram velocity.
Stock Lifters – SLM 300 Product overview Features: Ideal for progressive dies Guidance and lift incorporated in one compact design No need for additional guides or anti-rotation feature 45-320 daN initial force easily adjustable 25-210 mm stroke length Side load and fluid protected gas spring • Easy to install, includes dowel pin holes for location • Bronze guiding elements Ear fitting - option for double-point lifting Features of SLM 300.
Stock Lifters – SLM 300 2 x M8, single point lifting SLM-CAP, option for multi point lifting Installation possibilities for single point lifting and multi-point lifting.
Stock Lifters – SLM 300 Basic information, note the maximum attachment per lifter depending on ram velocity.
Stock Lifters – SPC 800 Product overview Features: Ideal for progressive dies, multi-point lifting Guidance and lift incorporated in one compact design No need for additional guides 150-710 daN initial force easily adjustable 50-200 mm stroke length Return stroke dampening last 20 mm, to 0.2 m/s • Easy to install, includes dowel pin holes for location • Hose system is recommended to get even force distribution Features of SPC 800. This is our lifter with in-built damper to avoid imact force on screws and fittings.
Stock Lifters – SPC 800 SPC 800 function Damping return stroke Last 20 mm, to 0.2 m/s SPC 800 in function with the dampening.
Stock Lifters – SPC 800 Basic information, note the maximum attachment per lifter depending on ram velocity.
Stock Lifters – summary Two sizes, SLM 170 & 300 Speed Control Stock Lifter SPC 800 Available strokes 25 – 125/210/200 mm No need for guiding elements Simplifies tool design Summary of the lifters.