ENG 260 GUIDE TO READING AND WRITING ABOUT LITERATURE Presentation 3: Novels ENG 260—Literature of Sports, Spring 2002
ENG 260--Literature of Sports, Spring 2002 ENG 260 Guide to Reading and Writing about Literature Presentation 3, Slide 2 This presentation will discuss how to read a novel questions you should ask yourself as you read a novel writing about novels
ENG 260--Literature of Sports, Spring 2002 ENG 260 Guide to Reading and Writing about Literature Presentation 3, Slide 3 How to read a novel The first time, try to read as much of it at single sittings as you can. more...
ENG 260--Literature of Sports, Spring 2002 ENG 260 Guide to Reading and Writing about Literature Presentation 3, Slide 4 If possible, read it again in its entirety, but most likely you’ll have time only to reread certain chapters; choose ones that have special meaning to you or ones that you had difficulty following. Make notes and responses (see Presentation 1, Slide 12).
ENG 260--Literature of Sports, Spring 2002 ENG 260 Guide to Reading and Writing about Literature Presentation 3, Slide 5 Questions to ask about the novel: basic questions: What is the point of view? Who is the protagonist? more...
ENG 260--Literature of Sports, Spring 2002 ENG 260 Guide to Reading and Writing about Literature Presentation 3, Slide 6 Who are the other major characters? What is the setting? What is the plot? (Summarize it.)
ENG 260--Literature of Sports, Spring 2002 ENG 260 Guide to Reading and Writing about Literature Presentation 3, Slide 7 deeper questions: What is the author’s tone? How does the author depict and develop the characters? What are the conflicts facing the main characters? more...
ENG 260--Literature of Sports, Spring 2002 ENG 260 Guide to Reading and Writing about Literature Presentation 3, Slide 8 What is the structure of the novel? What is the theme of the novel? What are the relations between the setting, characters, imagery, symbolism, allusions and/or figures of speech and the theme?
ENG 260--Literature of Sports, Spring 2002 ENG 260 Guide to Reading and Writing about Literature Presentation 3, Slide 9 Writing about novels conventions: if writing by hand, underline novel titles if writing with a word processor, underline novel titles or put them in italics