Organize Your Notes Key Events of World War II 1942194319441945 Key Terms:


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Presentation transcript:

Organize Your Notes Key Events of World War II Key Terms:

Feb. 1943

Whiteboard Review What major victories did the Allies win in 1943? – Nazis beaten in Africa, May 1943 – Nazis surrender at Stalingrad, February 1943 – Allies capture Sicily (Italy), August 1943

Whiteboard Review What happened to Japanese Americans in World War II? – They were forced into concentration camps

Whiteboard Review List 3 events that led to Germany’s surrender. – D-Day- Allies invade France, June 1944 – Allies surround Germany, April 1945 – Hitler commits suicide, April 1945

Hiroshima, Japan, before the bomb……and after the bomb

Whiteboard Review Name 2 events that led directly to Japan’s surrender. – Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki