6 th International Mine Geology Conference Session 7 – Professional Challenges -Best practice graduate program guidelines -Our demographic destiny Tuesday 22 August 2006 Don Larkin CEO The AusIMM
Graduate Program Best Practice Guidelines Purpose – Tool for AusIMM Student and Graduate Members – Tool for companies (large – ‘tick off’ approach, small – adoption/start point) – Link to AusIMM Professional Development and CP Status Structure – Part One: Over Arching Principles – Part Two: Discipline Specific Aspects
Survey - 18% response rate (57 out of 315) 39% of respondents felt that their expectations were either only partially met or not met at all 60% of respondents stated that their expectations were either partially clear or unclear when commencing their program 88% of respondents believed that there was a role for The AusIMM to play as a professional institute in compiling a set of Best Practice Graduate Program Guidelines Quotes
Implications of an Ageing Australia, Productivity Commission April 2005 THE CHANGING STRUCTURE OF AGE
Successfully Managing age in your Organisation As the population ages a fault line is emerging that separates the past and future landscapes of the Australian workforce. For the foreseeable future, growth in the supply of labour will be firmly concentrated in the group aged 45 years and over. For every new young person entering the labour market today, there are seven people aged 45 years and over available. By 2010 this will create permanent shortages in the Australian Labour Market forcing organisations to dramatically re-think their employment practices. The Age Chasm – Drake White Paper Volume 2, No. 5
New entrants to the labour market Diminishing Access to Labour 1980’s & 1990’s 2020’s and beyond Access Economics
Potential to maintain engagement of older workers Need to engage more younger workers. Source: ABS, 2001
Key Risks (Drake) Increased competition for labour Expansion of skills shortages Increased competition for younger people Increasing mismatch between the available labour pool and the competencies and characteristics required Loss of operational knowledge, due to low retention rates and exit to retirement Loss of executive knowledge, due to exit to retirement Impaired productivity consequences Falling or stagnating growth A shifting landscape of health and well being Limited capacity amongst the organisations managers and leaders to assess and respond to the changed environment
Improve Educational Attainment Delaying Retirement Improving childcare facilities Undertaking Welfare Reform Improving Health Five Key Drivers of Participation Rates Melbourne Institute Report