Margaret Callander Assistant Programme Manager NHS Lothian Successful Partnership NHS Carer Information Strategy NHS Staff e.Learning Modules, NHS Lothian
Background: NHS Lothian has a history of collaborative working, including planning, commissioning and delivering along with Local Authority and voluntary organisation partners. The Lothian CIS e-learning modules draw on the expertise of the voluntary organisation VOCAL
Acknowledgements: Carers in Lothian for permission to use their photographs Photographs courtesy of Tina Norris and Princess Royal Trust for Carers Digital Stories courtesy of Karen Barrie, National Services Scotland A day in the life... Charlie K. courtesy of Edinburgh Young Carers E- learning module content: Jane Marryat on behalf of VOCAL, Edinburgh, with NHS Lothian Training Dept
Key Outcomes: Provision of flexible, creative, pertinent learning to all NHS Lothian staff and independent contractors Learning to provide staff with the tools and support they need to: Learning through interactive carer journeys and through experiencing real peer and carer stories Identify carers in the lives of patients Offer support & information to carers Understand the need for person-centred & outcome focused working
Uptake to January 2010: Understanding & Supporting the Carer Who is a carer? What is caring? The caring role The caring journey – emotional & physical demands - issues & feelings The effects of caring 1538
Uptake to January 2010: Working in Partnership with Carers As a Healthcare Professional what can you do? Health Professionals' Responsibilities Discharge from Hospital – carers’ support - carers’ assessment - when & how to refer a carer Alternative ways of Working – person-centred working - outcomes working - changes to practice Thinking about future Practice in your Workplace – what can you do for carers ? 136
Next Steps: Monitor and evaluate Carer modules Roll-out further training across Lothian, including to GPs and Community Pharmacists Encourage Council plans to provide adapted e.Learning modules to their Health & Social Care staff, based on the NHS module Continue discussions with Further Education organisations regarding offering adapted modules on Nursing and Health & Social Care courses
Demonstration of learnProNHS Carers Information
A Local Authority Perspective: HDL 22 (6) Kerr Report Care 21 Report National Policy: Gordon Dodds, Planning & Commissioning Officer (Carers) The City of Edinburgh Council
Local Policy: NHS Lothian Carer Information Strategy Towards Joint Carers Action Plan
Carers SPGC Towards 2012 Implementation Group Edinburgh CHP Carer Information Strategy Implementation group Carers Assessment Review Group Partnership working Carers’ partnerships and forums City wide and Local involvement How is it being implemented ? How is it being implemented ? City of Edinburgh Council in partnership working
Margaret Callander, Assistant Programme Manager, NHS Lothian Questions
Margaret Callander, Assistant Programme Manager, NHS Lothian Questions