Preliminary analysis of NI success in Horizon 2020: Jan– Sep (2014) Ciaran McGarrity DETI 1
Summary 290 eligible applications Requesting €129,404, main listed for funding Involving €11,237,297 Success rate of 12.76% NICP intertacion x % of all applictaiosn NICP intertacion x % of successful applictaiosn 2
Success Rate for each sector Higher & Secondary Education Private for Profit Public Bodies Research Organisations 13.9% 9.0% 11.1% 33.3% 25 successful applicants 6 successful applicants 3 successful applicants 5
Research AreaSuccessful proposalsPercentage of total Marie Curie (MCSA)1544% ICT515% Health412% Agri-Food412% Space13% Energy13% Security13% Research Infrastructures13% SME Instrument13% Ad/hoc13% 7
NI/ROI Projects 9
H2020 Applicants and Requested EC Financial Contribution to Sept 2014 by Country Eligible ProposalsMain list ProposalsSuccess Rate Country Applicants in Eligible Proposals from a Country EU Financial Contribution in Eligible Proposals to Applicants from a Country (euro) Applicants in Retained Proposals from a Country EU Financial Contribution in Retained Proposals to Applicants from a Country (euro) Applicants from a Country % Northern Ireland ,404, ,237, % United Kingdom 12,5955,913,663,3502,214904,599, % Ireland 1,618689,054, ,092, % Total for all EU members 92,47339,025,497,24815,4856,255,047, % 11
NI Horizon 2020 Strategy - Key areas for action 1. Focus on key opportunities 2. Improve support to potential applicants 3.Introduce new participants to Horizon Increase successful NI/ROI participation 5.Increase NI involvement in EU R&D and Innovation working groups 12