AT91 Tools Strategy and Third Parties
2 Your customer’s expectations Silicon Resources and Consultancy Software Example ???? Support Development Tools OS - RTOS Kernel Eval./Dev. Board Documents Software IPs
3 Evaluation and Development Kits The main objectives are –Allowing a quick getting started on the AT91 products –Provides hardware and software examples to AT91 developers The current Evaluation solutions –Only the most important resources required The future Development Boards –Will provide most of the resources the product can manage –Developing an application will be possible in most cases
4 AT91 Evaluation Boards The kits ships with –AT91 CDROM –Evaluation version of ARM ADS and GHS Multi 2000 EB40 EB42 EB63 EB40A EB55
5 AT91 Evaluation Board Overview Main System Resources around an AT91 device –Power Supplies (3.3V, 1.8V) with power consumption straps –Clock oscillator or crystals/PLLs –Reset controller with watchdog connection when possible –Memories, up to 256KBytes SRAM, up to 2Mbytes Flash –On-Chip Peripheral capabilities –Simple user interface : push buttons and LEDs Extension Capabilities : EBI more all peripherals IO lines –The board is often used as preliminary development platform –All on-board devices can be disabled User Boot programmable in Flash That’s the first Application Note we can offer –Schematics are available in the User Manual –Software examples are available in the AT91 Library
6 The Extension Boards The Memory Extension Card - $300 –3Mbytes of Flash – BV8011 and BV1614 –2 Mbytes of SRAM –Compatible with all Evaluation Boards –Permits the evaluation of the FR4081, FR40162 and F40816 The Ethernet Extension Board – not available –CS8900 – 10Mbits/sec – to be redesigned. –Compatible with all Evaluation Boards except the EB40 The Audio Extension Board – not available –Micronas I²S Audio DAC –Keyboard and LCD –Compatible with all Evaluation Boards except the EB40
7 The AT91 CDROM
8 The AT91 CDROM contents Getting Started for all our evaluation boards –Install the tools, power-up the boards and check it works –Open an existing project and download it on the board –Program it in the on-board flash and check it works All the AT91-relevant documents –Datasheets, Application Note, Boards’ User Guide, FAQs All datasheets from a single-table –ARM Application Notes applicable to the AT91 products The AT91 Library –To be updated on the Web, depending on the CDROM release Third Party information –Up to 10Mbytes of flyers, PDF, html, … presenting their offer
9 The AT91 Library Location –C:\at91\software Contents –\debug_monitor Sources of Angel for our evaluation boards –\drivers Examples how to use the peripherals –\parts Description of the devices –\periph Description of the peripherals –\targets Description of the Evaluation Boards Boot of Evaluation Boards
10 The Directory \project Contains several example projects –Factory-programmed User projects of the Evaluation Boards –How to handle the interrupts –How to handle the analog cells of the M55800A –How to handle the USARTs –How to handle the Timer Counter –How to handle Time and Date –Port of µCOS and ThreadX –BSP for VxWorks
11 The Directory \tools Contains Utilities, which permit –To benchmark the products –To measure their power consumption –To download code in Flash All AT91 Evaluation boards’ flashes are supported –To test memories –To test the connection of the Memory Extension Card on an Evaluation Board
12 Benefit of the AT91 Library Get Started your Evaluation Board quickly –Especially with the procedures described in the AT91 CDROM Evaluate as fast as possible a products and all its features –Power consumption measurement –Benchmarking: Dhrystone Reduce the development time of the customers –Provide example of the keypoints he has to manage C Startup Flash Programming Interrupt Handling –Provide several software examples Easier for you to answer to the customers’ questions
13 AT91 Library and Tools releases First versions were available under ARM SDT V2.51 –Projects are still there Most of the projects have been ported on ADS V1.1, then V1.2 –When a project does not exist, we can port it on demand –We will no longer port anything under old versions Most of the projects have been ported under Multi 2000 V3.01 We ported few projects on Multi 2000 V3.5 However, the kits ships with an GHS Atmel CDROM, which contains most of the AT91 Library projects –Boards templates are available used. –AT91 Library rules are not fully respected.
14 The AT91 Library Evolution New organization –A single description file per product –No longer any library (.alf) intermediate step –Object-oriented with introduction of services New modes of diffusion –A Software Package contains only What is relative to a board What is relative to a service What is relative to a specific project/subject –A Software Package will be associated To an Application Note To a Datasheet New presentation –Integrate an on-line HTML documentation, linked to the source files
15 The AT91 Library V3.0 Overview
16 Our Business Partners
17 Development Tools (1) A Toolchain contains: –An assembler –A compiler –A debugger, plus optionaly a simulator Then, options are : –Working with a Debug Monitor Low cost, Low performance and requires target resources Angel (from ARM) is available on all our Evaluation Board –Supported by ALL the development toolkits –Working with an ICE Interface Higher performance, higher cost too –Multi-ICE : $ GHS Probe : $ Raven : $800 Most of the ICE Interfaces are RDI compliant (defined by ARM) Difference with an actual Emulator is: No Real Time trace –ETM (Embedded Trace Module) is coming
18 Development Tools (2) ARM is different than proprietary processor –ARM provides a solution for its processors –But, several other offerings are available on the market Most of the tool providers support now the ARM processors Atmel has developped –Strong Partnerships with the 2 most important actors ARM ADS V1.2 + Angel + Multi-ICE GHS Multi 2000 V3.5 + Angel + Macraigor/GHS Probe That’s the toolkits we are using everyday –Partnerships with other toolkits vendors IAR, ARC (formerly Metaware) Lauterbach, iSystem, Abatron, … We have the tools and experimented them
19 The Assembly Issue ARM defined an assembly syntax that is not standard This often leads in proposing 2 files in our examples: –A file for the ARM tools –A file for the other tools (Multi 2000, GNU, …) GHS developped a translator for the assembly –Will be fully integrated in Multi 2000 V3.6 –Requires for now few options to be added
20 The GNU Tools Free code generation tools –but there is no free ICE Interface Working on Linux, or on Windows through CygWin Experimented solution is working and available on Internet –GCC or GCC –GDB However, Atmel cannot commit on supporting GNU tools –Ideally, the best solution for us would be To diffuse it through a Web forum To propose partners capable to support this solution –Silicomp is an excellent candidate
21 Why an Operating System? Most often, the customer application already exists Porting the OS on a new platform makes the application available on this platform An OS permits an Hardware Abstraction Layer Even for new application, it is more convenient to develop under an OS, as it takes in charge all the resources of a platform Porting an OS requires to write a BSP (Board Support Package) Why a Real Time OS? –When the application requires real time response Industrial World, control command, etc –When DSP algorithm has to be processed by the application processor All kind of application, permits a cost optimization and is allowed by the level of performance of today’s processors
22 OS and RTOS on AT91 The OS/RTOS vendor has to build the BSP –Most often, this is customer-driven –We provide boards, product and tools support Available –ThreadX from Express Logic - GHS –Nucleus from ATI, now Mentor Graphics –VxWorks BSP (3 years old, has to be updated) –Precise from ARC International Available and Free –eCOS will be soon available on Internet Position of RedHat? Silicomp can provide support and services. –Several ports of µClinux are available on Internet Partners in this field: Ascensit, OpenFuel, Arcturus Networks…
23 Software IPs on AT91 Networking stacks –ARP, SLIP, PPP, HTTP, TCP/IP, Web server, … Available from NextGen, Silicomp, Netbricks, … Different offers available on OS/RTOS, or standalone DSP Algorithms –Audio Codecs MP3 Decoder available from Spirit Corporation or ARM MP3 Encoder solutions exist or could be developed on demand –Software Modem V32 for Thunder available from Netbricks, V34/V90 in the roadmap –Includes AT commands, tone detection, DTMF generation, etc Java Virtual Machine –Available from ARM, Silicomp, …