NIKOLE LOBB DOUGHERTY, MA JESSI LAROSE, MPH OCTOBER 2011 H&AC Promising Strategies: Evaluation & Technical Assistance
Presentation Overview Overview of H&AC Evaluation Team and Goals The H&AC Initiative Evaluation Evaluation Technical Assistance
The H&AC Evaluation Team Washington University George Warren Brown School of Social Work Saint Louis University School of Public Health Doug Luke, PhD Nikole Lobb Dougherty, MA Chris Robichaux, MS Tanya Montgomery, MPH Cheryl Kelly, PhD Darcy Scharff, PhD Jessi LaRose, MPH Trina Ragain, MPH
Evaluation Team Goals 1. Conduct a modest multi-site evaluation of the H&AC Initiative Develop evaluation plan and logic model Implement evaluation plan 2. Increase grantees’ evaluation capacity through intensive technical assistance and training Work with grantees to develop individual evaluation plans Work with grantees to implement evaluation plans
The H&AC Initiative Evaluation
Definition of Internal Program Evaluation and the H&AC Evaluation Internal Program Evaluation: Evaluation conducted by each individual grantee for their own program H&AC Evaluation: Evaluation of the entire H&AC initiative (i.e., across all grantees) conducted by the evaluation team at Washington University and Saint Louis University
H&AC Evaluation Focus Capacity of programs Reach of programs Partnerships Policy Change Built Environment Opportunities Promising Practices Sustainability Behavior Change
How will we collect data? Healthy & Active Programs and Policies Evaluation (HAPPE) System Quantitative data collection Monthly and quarterly data submission throughout all three years of funding Focuses on your activities (what, when, where and who), capacity, & partnerships One-on-one interviews with program staff Qualitative data collection Conducted in the 1 st and 3 rd years of the project Focuses on lesson’s learned, capacity, collaborations Sustainability Assessment Survey Online survey Focuses on structures and processes related to likelihood of sustaining project elements
The HAPPE System
Benefits of the Evaluation H&AC Evaluation: Have a greater understanding of the impact of the H&AC Initiative on Missouri Identification and dissemination of promising practices to guide future obesity prevention efforts Individual Program: Easy and organized access to your own data Ability to generate your own reports of your data
Preview of H&AC Evaluation Activities November 2011 – January 2012 Training on the HAPPE System/Logic Model Development Spring 2012 Qualitative interviews with project representatives
Evaluation Technical Assistance
Technical Assistance Goals To increase internal evaluation capacity To address evaluation needs of grantees To provide evaluation resources and networking opportunities to grantees
What We Can Help With Evaluation plans (e.g., logic models, evaluation questions) Quantitative and qualitative instruments Data management and analysis Database development Reports and presentations Evaluation resources Networking opportunities with other evaluators Interim reports/contract reporting tool
Preview of TA activities Evaluation capacity online needs assessment November 2011 (a follow-up needs assessment will be conducted in the fall of 2014) Site visits November 2011-January 2012 Individualized technical assistance plans and program logic model Based on needs assessment and first site visit Regular communication to assist with needs Conference calls, visits, s
Contact Information Technical Assistance Contacts Jessi LaRose Trina Ragain Initiative Evaluation Contacts Nikole Lobb Dougherty Evaluation Coordinator Chris Robichaux HAPPE Coordinator