Ecosystem (Chapter 18) 1
2 Ecosystem
6 7 Primary Production: Production of New Organic Matter by an Ecosystem 8
Gross Primary Production : Total Biomass Produced by all Autotrophs in an Ecosystem 9 Measure CO 2 Take
Net Primary Production: Biomass Left Over after Autotrophs have met Respiratory Needs 11
13 14 Measuring Net Primary Production 1516
3 Rain Forest Arctic Tundra 4 Differences in Net Primary Production due to..
Fig in Cain et al Abiotic Factors that Influence Terrestrial NPP
A Surrogate for Temperature and Precipitation: Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) mm H 2 0 / yr 17
Terrestrial NPP vs. AET Fig in Molles 2008
Other Abiotic Influences on Terrestrial NPP 18 19
Effect of Fertilizer on Terrestrial NPP (Alpine Tundra) CONTROLPN N + P 20
Fig in Molles 2008 Effect of Fertilizer on NPP (Alpine Tundra)
Abiotic Factors that Influence Aquatic NPP 21 22
24 23 Bill’s Observations (Iowa)
25 Control (C + N + P) Northwestern Ontario (“Lake 226”)
Fig in Molles 2008 Lake 226 Experiment: Results
Effect of Biotic Factors on Biomass Indirect Effects
Effect of Consumers on Biomass (Trophic Cascade) Fig in Molles 2008
Trophic Cascade Hypothesis: Predictions Fig in Molles 2008
Experimental Manipulation: Remove Piscivore, Add Planktivore Fig in Molles 2008
Experimental Manipulation: Add Piscivore Fig in Molles 2008
Effect of Consumer on Biomass: Terrestrial 26 Effect of Grazing on Grass Biomass
Fig in Molles 2008 Experiment: Exclosures
Experiment: Results (Compensatory Effect) Fig in Molles 2008
27 Trophic Cascade? 28
27 Bottom-Up versus Top-Down Controls
Raymond Lindeman – Trophic Dynamics
s seedlings.jpg /bio/ang/pho/images/energy.gif
11 energy.gif 12 analyzer.jpg /Surface_water_cycle.svg/260px-Surface_water_cycle.svg.png 18 USIncreasingly0116.jpg 19 meadow-chalet-flowers-snow-capped-mountains-trees-ajhd.jpg 20
enlarged.jpg 23 &_fertilizer.jpg 24 photo_22.gif _Tanzania_Africa.jpg 29