CS Seminar Y.-W. Chang 1 CS Seminar 專題討論 張耀文 Yao-Wen Chang Department of Electrical Engineering National Taiwan University Fall 2008 #921 D0040 / M0040
CS Seminar Y.-W. Chang 2 Administrative Matters ․ Time: normally Mondays 1:20--2:10pm ․ Location: MD-231 ․ Instructor: Yao-Wen Chang ․ ․ URL: ․ Office: BL-428 (Tel) ; (Fax) ․ Office Hours: Thursdays 5--6pm or by appointment ․ TA: ․ Course contents: Research presentations (preferably in English) Industry talks ․ You are allowed to switch to the EDA or DSP & Communication seminars with my approval and the approval from the other instructor in advance
CS Seminar Y.-W. Chang 3 Administrative Matters (Cont'd) ․ Grading: At most two absences are allowed to pass this course unless with legitimate reasons Base score: 90 pts, +5 pts for each presentation, -10 pts for each absence ․ “Legitimate” reasons for absence: attending conferences, emergency with proof ․ Sickness is not considered as a “legitimate” reason, so don’t make any request based on similar reason ․ Those funded or will be funded by the department/MOE/NSC to attend conferences abroad will be assigned for presentations ․ Every other volunteer presenter claimed by Sept. 30, 2008 can be exempted from one more class
CS Seminar Y.-W. Chang 4 Seminar Schedule for the Coming Month ․ 8F/seminar08f.html Sept. 22 (1:20-3:00pm; 100 min): Prof. Shou-de Lin 林守德 on 科技英文寫作與研究方法 Sept. 29: Dr. Ho-Lin Chen 陳和麟 on DNA Self- Assembly Oct. 6: TBA Oct. 13 (1:20-3:00pm; 100 min): DVD watch & discussion on “The Last Lecture” given by Prof. Randy Pausch of CMU on Sep. 18, 2007 (see for more detail) “… The brick walls are there to stop the people who don’t want it badly enough. They’re there to stop the other people.” No class on the midterm week (Nov. 10) & the last week (Jan. 5)
CS Seminar Y.-W. Chang 5 Murphy’s Law ․ If anything (something) can go wrong, it will. ․ Laws of Applied Terror: Exam: Eighty percent of the exam will be based on the one lecture you missed and about the one chapter you didn’t read. Attendance: My total number of absences is one more than the maximum allowance. ․ Langsam’s Ornithological Axiom: On Study Group: It is difficult to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys.
CS Seminar Y.-W. Chang 6 Why Taiwan Matters May 16, 2005
CS Seminar Y.-W. Chang 7 What Your Future Bosses Care About? 資料來源 : 天下雜誌, 1996 年 11 月
CS Seminar Y.-W. Chang 8 Announcements from the EE Graduate Institute ․ ․ 教育目標 培育專業與國際化的電機工程學者與工程師,使其能在電機工程 學術及產業界,從事創新研究與發展,並能獲得團隊合作的訓練, 以成為優秀的領導人才。 ․ 學生於畢業時所應具備之核心能力 核心能力一:運用電機工程及計算機科學的知識與工具之能力。 核心能力二:綜合資訊、發掘問題、分析策略、執行研究及整合 系統之能力。 核心能力三:中英文溝通、撰寫國際性論文報告及參與國際競賽 與學術活動之能力。 核心能力四:獨立創新思考、解決問題、協調合作、領導團隊及 管理規劃之能力。 核心能力五:自我學習、自我要求、服務社會,以持續成長之能 力。
CS Seminar Y.-W. Chang 9 Conclusions and Future Work ․ A dummy fill algorithm considering both gradient minimization and coupling constraints ․ Achieve more balanced metal density distribution with fewer dummy features and an acceptable timing overhead ․ Future work: integration of gradient minimization and coupling constraints Simultaneously minimize the gradient and the coupling capacitance Thank You!! Yao-Wen Chang