Three Elements of Health Use the chart / handout to take notes
Physical Health Example: the way your body functions as a whole Factors that affect it: proper nutrition, regular exercise, avoiding drugs, being free of sickness / disease
Social Health The quality of your relationships with friends, family, teachers, and others you are in contact with Factors that affect it: respect for others, respect for yourself, staying away from people who do not treat you with respect, good communication, being able to work through problems, working collaboratively with others
Mental-Emotional Health Example: expressing and coping with your emotions and daily stress in a positive way Factors that affect it: going to others for support, focus on developing a strong self- esteem, dealing with problems rather than avoiding them
Your Task: Health Triangle Collage Using the three elements of health, create a collage to portray the elements in your life Select at least five items from your life to represent each of the elements Collage can be a combination of visuals, symbols, and words Must be colorful and neatly done