Technology Geography GovernmentReligion Everyday Life
Topic 1 – 10 Points QUESTION: This region has expansive flat mud plains. ANSWER: What is Mesopotamia?
Topic 1 – 20 Points QUESTION: This type of land was found where The Nile River met Egypt. ANSWER: What is deserts?
Topic 1 – 30 Points QUESTION: The Nubian people came from the African savannas south of this desert. ANSWER: What is the Sahara Desert?
Topic 1 – 40 Points QUESTION: These many miles makes The Nile River the longest river in the world. ANSWER: What is 4,000 miles?
Topic 1 – 50 Points QUESTION: Today it is Sudan, however, ancient Egyptians referred to it as this. ANSWER: What is Nubia?
Topic 2 – 10 Points QUESTION: This structure of power is passed from father to son. ANSWER: What is a dynasty?
Topic 2 – 20 Points QUESTION: This was the king of Upper Egypt. ANSWER: Who is Narmer?
Topic 2 – 30 Points QUESTION: This female pharaoh focused on building the economy of Egypt. ANSWER: Who is Hatshepsut?
Topic 2 – 40 Points QUESTION: This period or kingdom is often referred to as the golden age in Egypt. ANSWER: What is The Middle Kingdom?
Topic 2 – 50 Points QUESTION: This goddess ruled The Nile River. ANSWER: Who is Hapi?
Topic 3 – 10 Points QUESTION: These were decorated with colorful paintings depicting the stories of deities and scenes from everyday life. ANSWER: What is tombs?
Topic 3 – 20 Points QUESTION: This pharaoh attempted to give Egyptians a new religion. ANSWER: Who is Amenhotep?
Topic 3 – 30 Points QUESTION: This was the chief god to the Egyptians. ANSWER: Who is Re?
Topic 3 – 40 Points QUESTION: This king returned the religion of Egypt back to being polytheistic. ANSWER: Who is King Tut
Topic 3 – 50 Points QUESTION: This person was thought to be the son of Re, the sun god. ANSWER: What is pharaoh?
Topic 4 – 10 Points QUESTION: This location is where most families spent their time together. ANSWER: What are rooftops?
Topic 4 – 20 Points QUESTION: Traders, artisans, and scribes were apart of this societal class. ANSWER: What is the middle class?
Topic 4 – 30 Points QUESTION: Cuneiform is an example of this. ANSWER: What is written language?
Topic 4 – 40 Points QUESTION: The pharaoh forced this type of payment from the people in which were just conquered. ANSWER: What is a tribute?
Topic 4 – 50 Points QUESTION: This type of math helped farmers fight against the flooding of the Nile River. ANSWER: What is geometry?
Topic 5 – 10 Points QUESTION: This invention prevented a pharaoh’s body from decomposing. ANSWER: What is embalming?
Topic 5 – 20 Points QUESTION: This characteristic differed Kushite pyramids from the Egyptian pyramids. ANSWER: What is smaller and more steeply sloped?
Topic 5 – 30 Points QUESTION: This man made structure was the tallest building in the world for over 4,000 years. ANSWER: What is the Great Pyramid?
Topic 5 – 40 Points QUESTION: Ancient civilizations were able to bring water to crops by making these. ANSWER: What is irrigation systems?
Topic 5 – 50 Points QUESTION: Used by Egyptians’ as a sailboat. ANSWER: What is a felucca?