C. Colakova Sonja, Eng. of Environment C. Colakova Sonja, Eng. of Environment OKTA Refinery of crude oil Skopje Workshop on Clean Fuels and Vehicles in South Estern Europe and Turkey Szentendre, Hungary Refinery of crude oil Skopje
Historical and Technical Data OKTA Refinery started up production in 1982 year Hydroskimming Refinery Design capacity is t/year Current capacity is approximately t/year Crude oil supplying - By railway till 2002, - By railway till 2002, - From 2002 by pipeline Thessalonica-Skopje - From 2002 by pipeline Thessalonica-Skopje Final products are delivered by: - tank trucks - tank trucks - rail trucks - rail trucks Market covered by OKTA: Macedonia, South Serbia and Kosovo
Processing Units
Final Products Quality Liquid Fuels OKTA’s quality of liquid fuelsAllowed values with Macedonian Standard Parameter density at 15 o C g/ml sulphur content % wt lead content g/l density at 15 o C g/ml sulphur content % wt leaded content g/l Leaded Premium / Unleaded Premium / max Unleaded Regular / max Unleaded Super / …… Diesel fuel / / EKO Diesel / ……..….. ……. Jet fuel(GM-1) / max-0.3/ Heating oil (EL) /0.860max-0.3/ Fuel oil (M2) / / max-3.0 /
Quality Control Multidisciplinary category Well equipped laboratory Competent team, knowledge and experience Issuing of Liquid Fuels Quality Certificate
OKTA’s ACHIEVEMENTS Gasoline production Revamping and reactivation of existing High Temperature Isomerisation Unit Installing of new reformer catalyst (PtRe) Diesel production New Gas oil Hydrodesulphurization Unit High performance catalyst (NiCoMo) Producing fuels with a sulfur content 350ppm Upgrade of the HDS Unit for production ULSD