vital statistics system Myanmar Presented by Myanmar
Central Statistical Organization Authorized 533 ( 1-5-2014 ) Vacancy 199 Filled 334 The Government has allowed the Ministry of Education to have hundred percent posts of the organization set-up of the basic education sector though other ministry are allowed to get the two third of their organization set up.
Data collection System Data are collected from respective social and economic sectors by three ways. 1.Statistics provided by concerned agencies. 2.Statistics jointly compiled by agencies concerned. 3. Statistics obtained from surveys.
Vital Registration System - Before 1962, birth or death certificate under the old system was one of the triplicate counterfoils. On 8 February, 1962 the VRS system was introduced by using 13 kinds of forms. - With UNFPA’s assistance in mid-1995, the CSO conducted a sample survey of completeness of VRS to ascertain the level of VRS in the country and determined the degree of reliability of Vital Statistics. It was found that 40% of birth and about 60% of deaths in Myanmar were under reported. It was felt that there was a need for strengthening the existing VRS in order to get reliable information related to events of birth and death.
The Modified Vital Registration System ( MVRS ) With UNICF’s support in 1999, the MVRS using the revised eight forms was successfully pilot tested in four townships in four Regions / States. By 2001-2005 UNICEF Myanmar Country Program, CSO performed to expand the MVRS nation wide. UNICEF supported the launching of the MVRS, and held advocacy meetings and VRS planning workshops in all the Regions and States.
Vital Statistics A Vital Statistics System is defined as the system of - collecting information on the frequency of occurrence of certain vital events, as well as relevant characteristics of the events themselves and of the persons concerned, and - compiling, analysis, and disseminating vital data in statistical form.
Vital Statistics By international definition, the vital events on which data should be collected in a vital statistics system are live-births, deaths, late foetal deaths, marriages, divorces, annuments, Judicial separations, adoptions, legitimations and recognitions. However, in Myanmar the collection of vital statistics are confined only to live-births, late foetal deaths and deaths.
Vital Statistics The present Vital Registration and Statistics System ( VRS ) was introduced in the urban areas of Myanmar in early 1962. By the year 2010, it covered all urban areas which is 325 urban towns with urban population of 14.84 million, representing 100% of the total urban population.
Vital Statistics In 1979 the system was introduced in rural areas of Myanmar. By the year 2010, it covered all rural areas which is 292 townships with rural population of 44.94 million, representing 100% of the total rural population. Thus, the system covered 100% of the total population of the country. Vital rates are based on registration of birth and death events.
Vital Statistics Publication Birth, Death, Infant mortality, Under five mortality Rates. Late foetal Death and Maternal Mortality Ratios ( Union , Urban, Rural) IMR and U5MR by region/ state and by urban-rural residence, 1999 ( National Mortality Survey 1999 ). Maternal Mortality Ratio by region / state and by urban –rural residence,1999 ( National Mortality Survey 1999 ).
Vital Statistics Dissemination Total Fertility rates( T F R ) and Gross Reproduction Rate ( G R R ) ( Urban ) Age specific Mortality rate ( Urban) ( Per 1000 Population in each age group ) Expectation of life at Specific Age Group ( Urban , Rural ) Cause specific death rate from leading causes of death ( Urban ).
Health Statistics Dissemination - Medical and Health Facilities - Medical and Health Personnel Hospital and Dispensaries by region and state - Daily food intake in terms of Calories and Proteins - Leading causes of mortality by gender
Coordination and Cooperation Closed Cooperation and coordination with the Department of Health ( DOH ) , Department of Health Planning and General Administration Department ( G A D )
Reengineering of statistical Organizations and Mechanism The government is sweeping reforms in all sectors for ensuring peace and stability, development and democratization of the country. A 20-year Comprehensive National Development Plan ( 2011-2031 ) is being drafted for Economic reform strategy. In doing so, accurate and reliable statistics is the lifeblood of the plan. Quality of facts and figures is crucial for compilation of reliable statistics. Not only developed countries use evidence based information that comes from reliable statistics for implementation of development strategy . Reengineering of statistical organizations and mechanisms is a must for all world countries including Myanmar.
Committee Formed The Birth and Death Registration Statistics Cooperation Committee was formed on 14-1-2014. The objectives is to strengthen Vital Registration in line with the International Standards.
Institutional Strengthening CSO dispatches its staff to participate in training , workshop and seminar provided by governments U N organizations and other agencies and organizations. The reason is the experiences gained from the seminar, workshop and training could improve CSO staffs knowledge and skills in statistical methodology.
Conclusion CSO is trying to produce reliable and timely data to Authorities While Building Capacity of CSO Staffs by dispatching its staffs to Foreign Country for Studying Statistical Methods, Techniques and receiving Suggestions and Recommendations from Technical Experts. Then, CSO is providing Technical Assistance and Disseminating Statistical Methodology requested by Government Departments and Organizations. After That CSO is close cooperation with International Organization and assist reliable data for updating Statistical Publication and International Comparison.