1.BEFORE ROUND 1 BEGINS BEFORE THE ROOM CHAIR MEETING 1.Sign in and choose your event.( Events are on a first-come basis. All rooms will need one room chair before a second one is added. You should not expect to work with your friends or schoolmates.) 2.One room chair from each room will pick up a stopwatch and the packet with extra share sheets and the sign-in log. 3.Get a red Room Chair ribbon, a program, and a procedure sheet. 4.Sit down. read over the procedures, and wait for instructions. 5.Check the map to see where your room is.
2.BEFORE EVERY ROUND An adult will lead one room chair to the Judges’ headquarters to pick up your judges. The other room chair(s) will go to the competition room and set up for the round. At Judges, hold up your room sign so your judges can find you. Wait until you have the required number of judges and then lead your judges to your assigned room.
3.AT THE COMPETITION ROOM SET UP Clear an acting area in the front of the room. Make it as large as possible within reason. Set up the required number of chairs for the event. Write the event number, title, and time limit for the event on the chalkboard/whiteboard. DO NOT WRITE ON A SMART BOARD.!!! Write the codes of the performers on the chalkboard/whiteboard in the order they will perform. DO NOT WRITE ON A SMART BOARD!!! Make sure the judges have seating in the front of the room where they can see.
4. HAVE ADULTS SIGN IN A sign-in sheet is included in the packet. All adult observers must sign in. They must have a parent pass or some official business. Even judges must sign in. Allow parents to watch only if there is enough room. Judges and participants must be seated first.
5. TO START ROUND Take roll by the list of codes on the board. Put a line through any group that is not present and write “NO SHOW” next to their code. Read the prepared speech to the audience and performers.
6.PREPARED SPEECH We will now begin round __________ for event ________________. I have been asked to remind you of the following: Be on your best behavior. Rude or disruptive behavior or talking may cause your scene to be disqualified, even if you are not a performer. Turn off your electronic devices to avoid disruptions. Only the timer’s stopwatch is allowed. Cell phones should be turned completely off and not just on silent or vibrate. No texting or answering messages is allowed. No videotaping is allowed. All adults must sign in with a room chair for tracking purposes. Exit or re-enter the room between scenes only. Students will have ________ minutes to complete their scene. As a warning, the timer will stand up ten seconds before calling time.
7.PREPARED SPEECH (continued) Judges, do you recognize any performers? (allow time to look around the room) Does anyone recognize a performer? (If they answer yes, you must find a replacement judge now, if no, go on.) Judges, please fill out all parts of your ballot. You must score the scenes according to their excellence, as well as rank the scenes in relationship to one another. Please print your name and sign your ballot at this time. At the end of the round, a room chair will escort the judges to tabulations. This is a new procedure for this festival, so bear with us. It should clear up the need to locate judges during lunch.
8.PREPARED SPEECH (continued) Are there any questions? (answer questions) We will now begin with the first performer(s). Code ___________. (Make sure the doors are closed and begin)
9.DURING ROUND Time the group. Stand up ten seconds before you call time as a warning. If they run over, call “Time.” If they don’t stop, call in a stern voice, “Time.” Give judges time to fill out share sheets in between scenes. If there are ribbons to pass out for this round, pass them out to each group of students right after they perform. Introduce the next scene, say, “Are the judges ready? The next group is code ________” Put a check mark next to every group as you introduce them and they come up to perform.
10.AT THE END OF THE ROUND Thank the judges and the performers. Ask the participants and audience members to leave quietly while the judges finish their share sheets. Remind the judges again to fill out all parts of their ballot and sign their name. When the judges have finished, lead them all to the Tabulations room where they will turn in their ballots personally.
11.ONCE AT TABULATIONS Once at Tabulations, have the judge turn in their ballot personally. If for some reason the judge cannot get to Tabulations, (too old for the stairs), turn in the ballot yourself but have the judge wait nearby to make sure his/her ballot is correct. Escort the judges back to the Judges’ headquarters. Ten Minutes before Round Two (as listed in your program) pick up your judges at the Judges’ headquarters and escort them to your competition room. If you have questions, return to the Room Chair’s room for further instructions.
12.AT THE END OF ROUND TWO Escort the judges to Tabulations and then the Judges’ headquarters as usual. Return your big envelope to the Room Chair headquarters. C – Division: sign up for a semi-finals room. (Divisions A and B will stay in the same room the first three rounds.) Go to lunch. Come back when the first two rounds results are posted (at the end of lunch ) to pick up your new envelope and the performer codes. Wait to be escorted to the Judges’ headquarters to pick up your judges.
13.B/C- DIVISION AT THE END OF SEMI-FINALS Escort the judges to Tabulations as usual. Return your big envelope to the Room Chair headquarters. Sign up for a finals room. Come back when they post the semi-final results to pick up your new envelope and the performer codes. Wait to be escorted to the Judges headquarters to pick up your judges.
14.AFTER YOUR FINAL ROUND (ROUND 3 FOR DIVISION A, FINALS FOR DIVISIONS B & C) Escort your judges to Tabulations as usual. No need to escort them to Judges this time. Thank them and send them on their way. Return your envelope, stopwatch, extra share sheets, extra ribbons, and sign-in sheets to Room Chairs. Pick up your service certificate.
ANY TIME YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT JUDGES: Return to the Judges’ headquarters. EVERYTHING ELSE: Come to Room Chairs. Don’t be afraid to ask.