John Womersley LHC Joel Butler, Marcela Carena, Jim Strait, John Womersley No formal meeting of the group yet, but we took the opportunity to sit with.


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Presentation transcript:

John Womersley LHC Joel Butler, Marcela Carena, Jim Strait, John Womersley No formal meeting of the group yet, but we took the opportunity to sit with Harvey Newman (US-CMS collaboration board chair) during the LHC workshop last week The following represent my thinking –Figure out where we want to get to –Figure out what is needed for this –Construct a road map from here to there

John Womersley Where we want to get to A role in CMS that is commensurate with the scale of Fermilab now and our future hoped for role in world HEP –more than an “LBNL in CDF” role Not just –A very competent collaborating institution –“the best place to get your data from” –“the best place to be if you can’t be at CERN” But “the best place to be if you want to do physics” –Why not? And a leading center (the leading center?) for detector development and accelerator development for the luminosity upgrades

John Womersley What would this need? Physicists –How many –How to get the best Computer infrastructure (regional center) The best buildings/facilities/working environment/VC –Better than at universities –Better than at CERN(?!) –Includes social aspects/quality of life Synergies –Theorists –Other experiments –Detector and accelerator work Core of Fermilab people resident at CERN(?) CMS visitors coming here Host one (or more) of the physics analysis groups here –Meetings to present/approve results here –People from CERN come here, not always vice versa

John Womersley How do we get there? Cost/resource impact? Plan out the evolution of the Fermilab staff Plant people in CMS so that when the time comes, they have achieved sufficient weight/respect in the experiment … This is where the real arguments may begin: –important deliverables from this effort –US-CMS does not seem to have great confidence in Fermilab’s current direction To do: –Talk to Dan Green –Understand detector work more –Understand accelerator work more –Talk to US-CMS collaborators (esp. CDF/DO members) Town meeting type setting?