Vocabulary Lessons Mondays in ENG I
Instructions For each unit, first you will copy down the WORDS and the definitions into the vocabulary section of your notebook. Then, on a separate sheet you will do the fill-in-the-blank activities. You MUST write down the whole sentences. You will then do the last two exercises in the unit, but for these you DO NOT have to write out the questions.
Writing Activity for Homework The last thing you will do for each unit is pick out FIVE of the words from the unit, Write a short creative story using five of the words. You will have a spelling and meaning test on THURSDAY.
“Checkouts” Assignment Place your heading on a sheet of paper, and then write the title “Checkouts”- Active reading. Number your paper 1-10 skipping three lines in between each number. As we read, you will write a complete answer to each of the “CLOSE READ” questions.
Complete Answers If the question is: “What do you learn about the setting and the main character’s situation in the exposition of the story? A complete answer would start with: The setting is ____________ and the main character’s situation at the beginning is ________________.
Plot Structure Now, turn to page 24. This diagram explains in detail how a story is structure according to elements of plot.