Integration of Bioinformatics into Inquiry Based Learning by Kathleen Gabric
The Biology WorkBench is a revolutionary web-based tool for biologists. The WorkBench allows biologists to search protein and DNA databases around the world. Database searching is integrated with access to a wide variety of analysis and modeling tools, all within a point and click interface.
bi·o·in·for·mat·ics The use of mathematical and informational techniques to solve biological problems by using computer programs. One of the main applications of bioinformatics is the data mining in and analysis of the data gathered in genome projects. Other applications are amino acid and nucleic acid sequence alignment, protein structure prediction, and virtual evolution.
Science Inquiry The science and education communities agree that investigative science is a highly effective way to teach science. In this way, students build their scientific understanding and investigative skills through active inquiry, connecting their previous knowledge with new ideas and evidence. Design Investigate Construct meaning Connect
Students learn about the Human Genome project by using real data from Argonne Laboratories. Dr. Kay, a father of a District 86 student, is the contributing scientist. DNA Sequence Sequencing DNA
High School Freshmen use Biology Workbench to help molecular biologist decide which amino acids to mutate next. News at 11! Students identified amino acids in a protein found in the membrane of our nerve cells. Students are recruited to help Steve in this part of his research. Students performed research on receptors using the Biology Workbench. Student research identified important amino acids to facilitate Steve's decision as to which amino acids in the receptor to mutate in the future.
Compiled Student Data and Results
Basis of Human Genetic Diseases Students identified genes that were linked to human disease states. Students used bioinformatic tools to identify the disease process from gene to protein to disease state. Students created a website to display their research.
Student Projects on Genetic Diseases
Outcomes & Observations Understood the basis of human genetic diseases. Connected symptoms to biochemical imbalance Predicted means of treatment Understood the difference between treatment of symptoms and curing the disease Realized the power of bioinformatics and how they could use it in future research……Evolution
College Feedback Hi Kathleen: Thank you for your and your comments on the ABT paper. The web site looks great! The level and quality of the student work is really impressive! In fact you've taught me a few things about what I might try with my students here. All the best, Mike Michael A. Palladino
Student Projects on Evolution
Outcomes & Observations Understood the basis of evolution on a genetic level. Correlated genetic evolution to organismal evolution. Realized that “our” similarities are greater than our differences.
Overall Outcomes and Observations Integration of bioinformatics into the high school classroom using inquiry methods was successful. Students were able to use the tools to generate real data, but more importantly were able to apply these applications and independently problem solve. Students showed a greatly increased ability to make connections between units of study: protein structure, protein function, nucleic acids, genetics, genetic disease, and evolution. Students performed research that will be used to guide future research in UIUC’s cell & molecular biology laboratory.
Student Comments on Biology Workbench Even though it was quite confusing at times, Bio-Workbench was highly beneficial to our learning experience. It was interesting to use the same computers that real scientists used to do their research. The using of bioinformatics was key in the expansion of our minds. It helped us get more involved with the concepts we were learning since it made everything more realistic It helped save time and make information clearer to me. it also gave me visuals for things that I wouldn’t have been able to picture from just reading about, it helped me understand amino acid sequences a lot. It has allowed us to connect DNA to real life. We are able to see how little a change in DNA how great a change they could have upon the final product.
Thanks to the Hardworking Biology Classes of 2002 & 2003 Sequencing DNA and product identification Translation and Disease Analysis of Angiotensin amongst vertebrates Analysis of various G-proteins for future research possibilities. Genetic Disease Research Project Determination of Evolutionary Relationships between selected organisms. To see the projects they have done with bioinformatics visit our website